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You stand up and hug Ashley

A:I love you lil sis
Ash:I love you too and I'm sorry I ruined our bond
A:it's ok ppl make mistakes
Ash:yea...I'll go get Ona

You smile and nod

You stand up and Walk to your vanity

A:Ok my eyes shit

O:hey Bby

A:How is he

O:I mean yk having a tough time thinking

You stick your Bottom
Lip out a pout


You a giggle a bit

O:Omg you smiled!

O:Ok go shower you look terrible


You say sarcastically

She laughs

You shower and change into

You shower and change into

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O:we are going out

A:Noooooo why!

O:boi shut up your going

She grabs your hoodie and drags you out your room

A:I don't want to go out I just want to cuddle with all my stuffed animals

She laughs

O:Aww cute still not stopping me from not taking you

You snatch your hoodie and out it on

A:Nooooooo stop

You say as you were walking downstairs

You see Mattia,Mike,ash and Dan

O:Guys this girl omfg

A:I don't want to go ughhhhh

O:if I tell you where we are going will you stfu

A:Idk will I??!

O:we are going to pick up Avani

A:DOeSnT she have a car

O:yea but something in the freeway happend and they took their car and left her with her two lil bro's

A:Ok I'll shut up now but AVAnI! Boi Bye

You grab her car keys and run outside

You go back inside

O:forgetting something

A:My shoes nvm I don't need them I want to wear my bare socks

She laughs

O:ok bet go start the car I'll drive

You nod

O:Mattia Can we talk

He nods

Onas pov
M:I'm still confused
O:she might smile rn but you make her smile more than that just bc she smiles doesn't mean anything so I need you to get yourself together you hear me

He smiles a bit

M:On it boss

I laugh

Back to your POV

💭:She is probably talking to Mattia I really miss him it's like I can't spend a min away from him I'll give him the space and let him decide what's right I hope he chooses the right thing ... 💭

O:Ok let's go

A:how long is it

O:ehh like 3 hours out of Jersey

A:I can tell this is gonna be a long night

She nods

3 hours later you guys are out of jersey but not quite there yet you still have 3 hours left to get there it's 12AM you decide to go live

100k ppl join

Ona plays no idea by don toliver

A:let me get this please...feel like I did you much (I think those are the lyrics lol)

O:You sing so good wtf

You smile a bit

A:No I hate my singing

O:shut it

A:yes mom

She laughs

Mattiapolibio,alejandrozario,Kairi,Alvaro.romero.robergorges,Roshuan.diaz and 30k more have joined

Fans:Why are your eyes so red

A:oh-I I just miss some family member and I got sad yk...

Kairi:Where are you guys going

A:Oh uhh ona said to pick up Avani we are 3 hours out of Jersey still got 3 more to go yay

You say sarcastically

Ona laughs

A:Oh yea she is here

You face the camera so they can see both of you

O:shut up

You lay your seat back

A:I'm cold

O:I got a blanket in the back climb back and get it

You nod

You climb and grab it you climbed back and lay down

A:Done mommy

O:god your such a child

A:Ik and your my mommy

She laughs while you giggle

You end the live 2 hours later

You fell alseep when you woke up you saw Avani and her bro's in the back

Av:Morning sleepy head

A:Morning dork

You guys dab each other back

Her bro Diego Gregg was there he is 16 (again this story is made up these are random names)

A:Ay what's good

D:was up

He dabs you up

And her lil bro Alexander Gregg

A:hey lil guy

He smiles he is 4

Few hours later you feel asleep you felt like you were floating you slowly open your eyes and see Mattiapolibio carrying you you close your eyes to act asleep

He lays you on your bed and says

M:your friends left Ik your asleep but I'll fix this soon ily my princess

He kisses your forehead and leaves

You tear up and start crying quietly

A:I'll wait as long as it takes...

You stare at the wall and slowly fall asleep

Ok yay my lazy ass wrote again cheers for that lol ty for almost 100 reads I'm soon gonna start writing the squeal to my other story I hope you guys read it words counted 851

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