Same Trip, Same Room

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Nico's POV:

The girl pinned up percy on the locker and started kissing him with full lust and passion. I wanted to look away but as I thought the girl was his girlfriend but by the look, percy was equally surprised and stunned. Before percy could pull away or react to it the girl slid one hand under his shirt and as soon as she puts the hand in his shirt, percy pushes the girl away very harshly.

"What the hell Rachel!!!" he said with obvious fury in his sea green eyes. "Well that's not what you said last night Jackson." the girl-Rachel-said, then i noticed that this was the same girl from the canteen. "Last night? well it was a mistake, nothing happened and you know it." he yelled."AW, that's what you think darling, but I did thought i would hear from you though i didn't." she said now playing with her hair. Percy then walked close to her and i was kinda worried what the hell is he going to do. "Guess what Rachel Dare, I make changes in my life and if you don't hear it from me then you're one of them" he said, whoa he does have some style.

Then he grabbed my hand and dragged me to where i thought was his locker. Hold on why is he dragging me ? "*sigh* sorry about that  Rachel is a real sick, she thought i liked her which i clearly didn't. But that's not new, anyways which class do you have?" he said standing close to me, our faces inches apart, I swear to Styx i could hear my heart beat.....

"ph..p..phy..physics" i said, okay whom am i kidding i shuttered, and i swear to Hades that i saw him having a blush......

"well..." he stared in my eyes and zoned out.

Percy's POV:

God's he is so pretty. There i said it Nico Di Anglo is pretty, and in a very different way. his beautiful pale skin fitted perfectly with his raven black hair and his chocolate eyes filled with pain, but the beauty about pain is that ones you feel it you know the terrible effect of it which made his eyes painful yet amazingly intimidating and most of everything his lips... oh those pink lips which were the only thing i could think of at the moment. 

"Ahem. Ahem this is an announcement for all the senior year students there is going to be a gathering in the lecture hall in 10 mins everyone is expected to be there on time"

The announcement was the reason i stopped staring at Nico, and I saw him blushing and grinned. "Lemme guess, you don't know where the hall is?" i said as i headed towards the hall him fallowing me. "Nope but I know you do " he said. 

When we reach the hall it was still empty, I mean what would you expect? you call a bunch of teenagers at a lecture hall  and expect them to be on time, nah. not gonna happen.

Nico and I took the middle benches and then i felt someones eye on me, I looked at Nico, yep it was him. Which suddenly made me blush and a ting of nervousness came on my body. "so? y-you into sp-sports?" i ask making him clung out of his zoned out session."oh!" he said "a-a no"

"But you are good at soccer? you should try it sometimes."I said. "Yeah maybe" he said his eyes still stared into mine with some emotion i couldn't put my figure on, when people did that it made me mad, but when he did it, it made me nervous and not a 'pee i  your pants' nervous more like 'oh my gods he is staring at me' nervous. 

"so students--" Principal Kim said. then i noticed that the hall was filled and my friends sitting around me and Nico. When did they all came in? I looked at nico and found him equally surprised. I gotta admit he did looked cute with a little frown in his brows and him biting his lip. and yes I am a pan sexual. 

"we are going to take to trip to new jersey. and the details are going to be given to you by the teacher in the next period. Why to jersey? well" he clapped his hand together and had a proud grin on his face. "by the spectacular performance of our students last year in sports, this year we qualify for the scholarship game and the league starts in jersey which happened to be in our trip week." he completed. everyone looked toward our side mainly because most of the team members were here, I saw Nico shift uncomfortable, apparently he is not fond  of attention. 

--mini time skip to the class cause i'm lazy--

Nico's POV:

We sat on the class on the last bench, I saw Jayson smirking at me, when he saw that i and percy sat together. Yep i was gay. and only he knew.

The teacher started to pass a paper, i read it.


BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH..........................







Yep, i just read THAT.

The worst part? I understood what I read.

Then i saw that percy had finished reading his paper with squinting eyes. and started to look at me. Will he ask m-? nope bad Nico, not gonna happen, those eyes are never gonna choose you, get it over with. But what if?

Then I thought maybe he wasn't looking at me cause a girl with pink fleaks smiled at him. And he rolled his eyes. Whatever, gosh this guy is driving me crazy with his perfectly toned arms and tanned skin like the sun kissed his entire body for just the perfect time and his eyes and lips-whoa, okay stop Nico  your'e gay is showing.

Maybe I'll ask Jason.



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