Nope he ain't going on the date.

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Hi!!! Excelsior!!!

So I wanted to ask... Which fanfiction next? Perjasico?  Tony Stark meeting Percy Jackson? Malec? or what else? and I will add smut in this one maybe within 4 chapters ,let the story  build up first.... Now the story...

Percy's POV:

"So you going to New Jersey?" He asked me. Well I was thinking about it earlier and came to a conclusion that they will need me for the game. So I'll just ask Mom to sign and fax me the document. But that is a lot of work and I am lazy, maybe I'll ask someone to do it. "hello earth percy?" Nico said as we got seated in Mcdonalds. "Oh I, yeah I will go" I said faster than I wanted to. "I was-" He started to say something hesitantly but was cut by my phone ringing loudly.

I looked at him in those beautiful big brown eyes framed by those beautiful raven hairs, I wonder how soft are they?, tearing away from the perfect view I picked my phone as it was ringing like hell. "hello?" I asked "Hi is this Percy Jackson speaking?" a female voice answered "Well you did call him, so yeah it's me." I said "oh hey percy It is me Hazel Di Anglo remember?" I thought for sometime "Oh yeah you are a Junior right?...Oh sorry that sounded judgy, din't mean it tho, whatever, yeah I do remember you." so yeah that's how talk.       "yes that is right, um.. I was thinking would you like to meet up sometime later maybe coffee or something?"  she said and I heard gasping sound in the background. "um.. yeah sure why not but is it serious or the study stuff?" I asked  "No, it is about a friend of mine, so?" she said "um yeah sur-" "K thanks bye!" and like that she cut the call. That was weird.

"Um mind me asking who was that?" Nico asked, and without thinking I found myself saying "I don't mind anything from you Nico."After which I found him staring deep in my eyes as if searching for something more than just eyes, for a minute I thought he actually saw and pulled all my feelings for him from inside.... whoa for him didn't think of that. Alright, Alright I did. 

I swallowed hard and quickly covered up and said "We-well it was Hazel" that seem to pull him out of the  trace. "Hazel Di Anglo?" he asked with a complete confusion in his face. "Um.. yeah" I said than noticed. "Wait, Di Anglo.... is she your sister?" I asked, he smirked and said "Took you long enough. But why did she call you?"

"Well she wanted to know if I can take one of her friends for coffee or something I don't know she did cut the call pretty quickly." Well I did know that is what she wanted but when I say it like that it sounds like a date but it is not right?

Nico's POV:


When I started feeling something for someone finally. (yess...well when I saw him dancing I concluded that couldn't bear the feeling of him with someone else and denying the fact that I do have a crush on Percy perfect Jackson is not helping in that) Hazel of all people is ruining this. AHHHHHH!!! 

Wait, all Hazel friends are girls apart from her boyfriend. Of course Nico he is straight...

I signed and he seemed to notice the frustrated expression on my face "What is it Nico?" he said placing his hand over my fist on the table giving me shivers through out my body. I looked away fully aware of the pink glow started to form on my cheeks and pulled my hand away from his "A..a..a..I..a. um" I muttered not knowing what to say and burning a spot on the table with my gaze. "Anyways what were you saying before the call interrupted you?" he asked changing the topic clearly noticing my nervousness "Honestly I don't remember" I lied I wanted to ask him to stay with me but now I am questioning the thought, "You sure? You can tell me afterwards if you want I don't mind" he said softly having a soothing expression on his face and calmness like light waves hitting a shore in in his eyes, beautiful .....was the only thought that came in my mind, I noted something, Percy is extremely pretty and the only person who has actually calmed me also the first person to actually show care about me. "Yeah, maybe... will you grab a veggie and coke please?" I asked 

He nodded and slowly got up scratching the back of his neck, my eyes drifted to the portion above his belt where is hoodie and shirt have gone a bit up which he didn't notice, I swallowed hard at the site of his tanned shinning skin, OH.....

As he got up and went to the place our order his top seemed to go up a bit more exposing his lower abs how the hell did I not notice him being so darn hot, I took in the warming site with shaky breaths and biting  my lip. Then I heard a few gasps from a table bit away from my own, a few girls where eyeing on his exposed skin suddenly I wanted to jump and stand in front of him and pin this boy somewhere and make him-- whoa Nico control.

Then I saw a girl getting up and gesturing to go towards him, No not gonna happen Missy. I glared at her to death with all the hatred I could summon and IT WORKED!! she sat down looking at me somewhat scared. I smirked at that. 

"It might take time" he said coming towards me, yes! more Percy for me. "Um, so Nico I was um thinking you know, um-" he was cut by his phone making buzzing WHY?!?! "Just a sec Neeks." I blushed at the nick name. He read his texts and then flashed his head back and groaned, making his adam's apple visible. "Looks like it is a date." I shot him a shocked glance but realized that he was talking about the Hazel fix up. Alright this seeks for heavy meashers. "I gotta call someone, I will be back k?" I said he did look hurt but nodded nevertheless. 


"Hazel but why?" I asked her when she told me she was trying to fix him with this Annabeth or something. "Cause the whole school knows they should be together the two star players and most popular kids I mean duh" she said like it was supposed to be obvious. "Why you got a problem big B" she said "AA- maybe I mean he clearly doesn't wanna go" 

"How do you know and why do you care?"

"I just do alright so BACK OFF!" 

"Um well whatever brother if he has plans then maybe"

Great! that's all wanted. "Good let's keep it that way."

I cut the phone call turned and saw percy eating his burger like a kid with cheez on his face he is worth a risk, so I went to make changes in the plans of  green eyed hottie.


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