A pretty face with ugly fate...

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Nico's POV:

A letter

I did not want to read it but out of curiosity I picked it up, it was a letter from his guardian.

The letter wasn't long but the second paragraph scared me...

Perseus Jackson's first hand guardian has reported a misleading child missing, Perseus is expected to report in his home town in one week and will further not be allowed to go out from there for two months for a non-informative leave taken by him, it will be made sure that he stays with step-father for that whole time-line and any movement will force us to turn official forces on him.

Complaint made by: Gabriel Ugliano

Relation: Stepfather of the child 

Percy had a step father who has whole police searching for him and  a letter sent to him.

This is serious.

But why...what ..how what the heck is going on with that boy, why is his father searching for him? he had not told him he was coming?

Then I heard the door nob turn and the boy who stole my heart waked in. He smiled at me and walked in.

"What's that?"


Percy's POV:

Nico stood near my bed holding a letter in his hand, I asked what is it to which his eyes widened,

"It's a letter"

I grinned "No shit sherlock" I said but he didn't say anything than he slowly handed me the letter, "fo-r y-ou" he mumbled. I took the letter I read it,

OH no. Gabe.

My knees lost the strength, 

I sat on the bed with a thud, my eyes started sting,not because I had to go back from this paradise to that smelly gabe, but because I honestly, honestly was foolish enough to think that I could have a normal week.


Percy, the guy who had nothing normal because of that dam human expected to spend the week like a normal teen, who was I kidding!

I should have never even thought of coming here, gabe doesn't even know that I am in sports,

How did I even think of having something worth, I feel so small, I thought at least some where things can be different, at least some where I can be me, but now I know the reality, nothing ever can be the same. Because I don't deserve it,

"Perce?" someone one said and I felt a hand on my shoulder, "It's fine we'll figure this out," the voice said, maybe my head was spinning, maybe everything was blur because of the tears threatening to fall but even in my sleep I can recognize that voice, but no! no percy get your shit together, you will destroy him too and he is too good for you, no!

"You don't know nothing is fine" I said rather too harshly "Then tell me what is wrong" he said in a sweet and calm voice, ENOUGH! I stood up and turned to him tears in my eyes and now all over my face, I can't do this, but I have to it's the only way, the only way to save him from me, A pretty face with ugly fate,

to make him hate me.

"Stay away from me, you are no one I care about! you have no idea what's happening! you will never know cause you are no one to me, honestly? your face is the last one I wanna see right now," it hurt so much to say that and maybe my eyes said completely different cause I wanted to hold him tight, to cry on him. But my sorrows will swallow him too, that will kill me. 

I turned with the look of hurt in my eyes and in his too, I want to get out of here, I can't hold it in more, the demons are killing and it has been far too long, the walls are way too thick for someone to break them now, and I know he hates me now,

I walked to wards the door, I was just about the go out when he grabbed my hand.

oooooooooo gabe!!! that is a twist!!!!!

comment on what you want to happen next!?!


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