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everything was still the same.

food from his locker and food from the rooftop door with a stickynote

but this time he was at the rooftop with jisung.

jisung actually left the food earlier than expected. jisung left early from his apartment to put the food in his locker but he had to turn down the offer that chenle and him to walk together since chenle found out yesterday hey were neighbors.

"hey ji i got tea- there is this someone giving me food lately likeee this coffee is from him like how did he know my favorite coffee" chenle said while sipping his coffee while jisung was eating chips.

"did you caught a glimpse of him yet?"

"nahh but i wanna see what they look like though"

"maybe that person is your admirer or something?"

"nah im too ugly"

'ugly my ass.' jisung muttered

"what did you say?" chenle looked at him but jisung lowkey panicked.


"okay..?" chenle said in a awkward tone

"maybe they liked you after seeing you? you know love at first sight?"

"i feel bad for that person. i mean one sided love is hard but i like someone else"

"who is it?"

"it's a secret!!"

"leleeeee tell me pleaaaaseeeeee" jisung whined at the older

"nope!" chenle giggled as he stood up

"if i get to chase you, you should tell me" jisung bet

"maybe-" chenle picked up his food and ran quickly as possible and there goes a chick chasing for the dolphin

they apparently went downstairs to go to the field and everyone was confused specially on their homeroom classmates and their friends

"didn't they used to be some enemies or something?"

"look at the way jisung looks at chenle! someone get me a guy like him!"

"they are sooo cute!!!"

"wait hol up i wasnt informed they were friends again?" renjun caught a glimpse of jisung and chenle chasing each other.

"wait really? how did you say so?" jaemin said while he munched on his nuggets.

"can't you hear everyone whispering about them?" jeno realized the whispering and jaemin was there literally not knowing what's going on.

and there's hyuck sleeping.

"hey hyuck wake up! lets go follow them!" renjun smacked hyuck's back which caused him to wake up

"fucking spoon dont let me get you!" and there they started running.

jaemin looked at the two, heartbroken.

while jeno there is happy being alone with jaemin

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