thirty three

91 4 1

they were having a campfire but chenji? they were walking at the seashore. just playig with the sang and talking in their own little word

"chenle have you saw the crayon"

"yeah what about it?"

"i wrote something inside that.. just read it once we got home i guess"

"nope!! im reading it today!!" chenle got the crayon that was still on his pocket and it surprised jisung

"wait no!!" jisung tried to stop chenle but chenle already was reading the words instead of the actual crayon color

"i l u? jisung what does that mean" chenle starred at the younger who was panicking

"chenle i like you-" jisung randomly said out of nowhere

the atmosphere was so awkward. very awkward

"uh...." chenle was speechless

jisung knew it. jisung knew that chenle didn't liked him. jisung held his tears back

"oh it's fine if you dont like me back!! im fine" jisung said with a smile

"jisung no-" chenle said but he remained quiet and let the younger look at the sand

why couldn't chenle say it? his mouth wont say it.

"ill go back to the cabin uhm-" jisung walked out but chenle finally said something

"sung! i like you too" chenle said and ran faster than jisung

the tears that was being held back was being gone so quickly. jisung felt so happy but why did something felt so awkward?

jisung wiped his eyes and went to the campfire instead of the cabin.

chenle ran into the cabin and breathed heavily after running so quick

"how did it happen so quickly?" chenle questioned himself. it happened so quick but how?

hours passed by so quickly. jisung finally didn't felt awkward but chenle? he was trying not to be awkward so he just slept the whole trip way back

"sungggg" chenle said with a tired tone and jisung just hummed in answer

"thank you" but why?


"i love you so much thank you for being with me" jisung took a deeper look at chenle and he was sleeptalking

he found that cute.

jisung patted chenle to sleep and chenle just loved the feeling

"holy shit how did i..." chenle groaned and looked around. how was he on a room? like he doesn't remember waking up

"morning, boo" jisung said as he cuddled closer

chenle blushed at the sight of jisung's bare face. what a great sight to start the morning

"m-morning.." chenle blushed and held on the pillow

"wait.. DID WE SLEPT TOGETHER?" yeah it was a big panick for chenle, they always slept together before but after knowing each other's feelings made chenle become red in embarrassment

what if he hates the way he sleeps? the way he is clumsy while sleeping? yes they always sleep together but now he is thinking so many questions

"don't worry, you were just cuddling into me" jisung got up and stretched his arms

"hey you look cute in those pajamas " chenle laughed at jisung's pikachu pajamas

"it's cuteee why are you laughing at me?" jisung pouted

"oh nothing " chenle got up while trying to stop his laughter

yeah filler chap?

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