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"My name is Danica, I am 21 years old, I do not know what planet I originated from, I am in allegiance with the First Order, my memories ere lost upon joining the First Order, I am an apprentice set to join the ranks of the knights of Ren, I am the only female to have ever grazed such high ranks, I am able to use the force, my devotion is pledged to the Supreme Leader and whatever plans he may have to destroy the Resistance." This is what I told my unit leader upon reporting to my daily training regiments. I didn't really know the real reasoning behind them making recite my little spiel, but I suspect that it has something to do with keeping a small mental check on all of their recruited members. I had taken a notice that, anyone who couldn't recite their own or hesitated for too long of a moment was removed from the scene and taken back to reconditioning.

"You have been granted access for the day. You are to train along side the troopers until twelve hundred, then it is requested that you join your unit in your specialized training." My unit leader looked down to the data pad and then back to me, I always wondered what all they could see about me whenever I gave them my name to enter in. Could they see my picture? On a regular day, I was always completely suited up from head to toe in my clanky, black, practice armor and I couldn't recall anyone actually ever getting a full look at me besides the doctors at the medical bay. Of course, I wasn't in my real suit of armor, I would be gifted that once I actually passed all the tests the leader of the knights of Ren and Commander Kylo Ren, felt were necessary. My armor was similar to that of a regular stormtroopers except mine was all black with the First Order's emblem etched over my heart. I had always mentally complained about the location of the emblem, it seemed too much like a target for enemies to hit for my liking.

"Thank you." I gave a small nod of respect before moving past the unit leaderand into the expansive training arena. Rows upon Rows of storm troopers stood infront of me training for everything from blaster shooting, to hand to handcombat. The sea of white armor was nearly blinding under the industrial lights.I had been in the First Order for a little over a year now and everyday wasidentical, little ever changed on Starkiller and being different from all theother troopers from the beginning made others steer clear of me as if I hadsome type of disease. The days were long and lonely, and I longed for the quitetimes just before lights out when I could undress and relax in my quarters. Iknew I was different, as did every other being on the base. To me, I was thespitting image of an average person except I could harness the power of theforce- the power that all creatures seemingly sought after for whatever reason.I had never been able to harness it like the Sith, or the Jedi, before me. Theonly way it had ever presented itself to me was my ability to completely lockdown my thoughts and keep even the most prying mind out of mine. When I wasfirst presented to the Supreme Leader Snoke, I was first identified as a dangerto this society as he was not able to plow through my thoughts, it was a gift Inever knew I even had but, thankfully, General Hux stepped in and graciouslylaid out another plan to use me as a weapon. With the agreement between themfinalized, I was taken to the medical bay where my memories of my previous lifewere wiped clean from my mind. 20 years of my life gone with a simpleprocedure. I didn't know where I hailed from or who I knew before all of this,and sometimes it did admittedly make me incredibly sad, but I jut prayed thatno one dwell too long on me missing. Another thing that kept the other troopers away from me was that I was allowed to keep my name, they were not so lucky. Their 'names' were a series of numbers used to identify them and keep them subdued psychologically, while I was able to retain some of my freedom.

"Danica." My captain's robotic voice ripped me from the black whole of my thoughts.

"Yes, captain Phasma?" My back immediately straightened, and I stood at attention for her. Technically, if I became a knight of Ren I would outrank her and be my own captain but, seeing as she was another female in a largely male dominated profession, I respected her immensely- even though she could be a pain in the ass sometimes. "I will have you report to blaster training today- make sure you are at attention at all times." Her armor shown like a bright star under the heavy lights, it was beautifully blinding and I kind of wished for my knight armor to look like hers, even though it would be incredibly impracticable.

Devotion | Kylo Ren + The Knights of Ren |Where stories live. Discover now