The beginning and stuff

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'I was 14 when the first Kaiju made land in Sans Francisco'

Then there was some footage of a big muscular type monster putting its claws on the Golden Gate Bridge. Tearing it apart like a big LEGO toy set. With orange bioluminescent glow, showing when the beast roared. Continuing to swat jets out of the sky with a knife like tail.

'By the time tanks, jets, and missiles took it down, 6 days and 35 miles later. 3 cities were destroyed 10's of thousands of lives were lost. We mourned our dead, memorialised the attack, and moved on.'

Of what remained of the Kaiju was a rotting carcass with trucks on the top slowly removing its insides.

'Then only six months later the second attack hit Manila.'

A thin tall Kaiju was spotted, with pale buildings on fire and smoke billowing from the windows, covering most of the great beast.

Soon after the second attack, the third one hit Cabo. It's dead corpse lying on a aircraft carrier. It's blue blood spilling into the sea.

'The third it Cabo.'

Eventually the fourth came, hitting Sydney.

'Then the fourth. And then we knew this was not going to stop. This was just the beginning.'

As the people of war held hands together, in a sunset. Knowing more people would die in the next attack.

'We needed a new weapon.'

Protests were gathering across the world.

'The world came together, pulling its resources. Throwing aside old rivalries for the sake of the greater good.'

The United Nations were sitting together. Discussing a plan.

'To fight monsters we created monsters of our own.'

There were videos of the frames of Jaegers being built.

'The Jaeger programme was born.'

'There were setbacks at first.'

Old footage showed a man getting put in a chair as the doctors checked his eyes. Blood trickled down his nose.

'The neural load to interface with a Jaeger proved too much for a single pilot. A two pilot system was implemented. Right Hemisphere Left Hemisphere, pilot control.'

A Jaeger, the name of Brawler Yukon was created. The prototype Jaeger. Intercepting a Kaiju codenamed: Karloff.

'We started winning, Jaegers stopping Kaiju's everywhere.'

A mark I Jaeger was throwing brutal punches at a Kaiju. This Jaeger was codenamed: Romeo Blue.

'But the Jaegers were only as good as their pilots. So Pilots became rockstars.'

On the 6:00 o'clock news showed a special of interviewing two pilots.

'Danger turned into propaganda. Kaijus into toys.'

People soon wore shoes of the battle between Romeo Blue and Hardship.

'We got really good at it. Winning.'
More and more Jaegers were seen taking down Kaiju's.
'Then....then it all changed.'

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