Chapter 1

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It was early in the morning, when a man was woken up by the A.I.

'Gypsy Danger, report to bay 08 level 842. Kaiju codenamed: KnifeHead.'

The man pull off his covers and hopped out. Waking up his older brother.

"Yo Daniel! Movement in the breach." The man said.

Daniel didn't want to wake up so the man had to keep pestering him.

"Come on, we're being deployed." The man whispered.

Finally Daniel got up, and out of his bed.

"Right." Daniel grunted.

"Kaiju's a category III, biggest one yet. Codename KnifeHead." The man said getting a jug of orange juice whilst putting his grey too on.

"What time is it."


"2 am?"

"Yup." The man said popping the 'p'.

"What do you say?" The man said.

"Fifth notch on the belt?" The man asked.

"Come on Tristans! Time for the drop." A person called out from the outside.

"Hey kid." Daniel said.


"Don't get too cocky."

The pair walked to the drive suit room with their signature leather aviator jacket.

'Years before, they would have never chosen my brother Daniel and I for hero's. Hmph, no chance.'

"Time to kick some ass!" Someone said inside the drive suit room.

'We were never star athletes, never at the head of the class.'

More things were attached to the two brothers.

'But we could hold our own in a fight.'

You two brothers look at each other. Putting their helmets on.

'And it turns out we had a unique skill. We were drifting compatible.'

The lights in the conn-pod of the Jaeger lit up, showing the obvious scratched off paint, showing the many hard battles the Jaeger went through.

The pilots got into the positions turning on coms. "Hello Tristan boys." A person in LOCCENT said.

"Tendo! What's happening my man!" Bryon cheered happily.
"How did that date with Allison go last night Mr Choi." Daniel asked.
"Oh she loved me, her boyfriend not so much." Tendo said.
"Your gonna get your ass kicked." Daniel stated.
"Haha, a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do brother." Tendo said.
A deep male voice came from behind.

"Engage drop Mr Choi." Stack Pentecost said.
"Engaging drop sir."
"Marshall Pentecost on deck." Tendo said.
"Securing conn-pod and gettin' ready to drop." Tendo said.
Soon Daniel spoke.

"Ready for the drop." He said.

"Gypsy Danger ready for the big drop." Bryon added.

"Here we go!" Daniel yelled.

"Yeah here we go!" Bryon yelled at the same time.

"Gentleman, Romeo Blue will be on stand by, watching out for the Kaiju if it manages to get past." Stacker Pentecost said sternly.

Like most Mark-1 Jaegers, Romeo Blue is powered by a nuclear reactor. Its armament is primarily long range; including a Gatling Chest which allows Romeo Blue to attack a Kaiju from a distance.[1] "Tracheal Break" is one of its signature moves.[1] Romeo Blue is one of the slowest Jaegers ever made because of its immense weight, having one fifth of the speed of Striker Eureka.

Romeo Blue has a wide body and two small fins at the back that are similar to the T-16 Angel Wings on Striker Eureka. Its head is small and bears a crest at the top. The visor is thin and is symmetrical on either side of the head. Its hands are rounded with short fingers, relatively similar to Crimson Typhoon. The lower torso of Romeo Blue is quite thin before it gets wider for the hips and legs. A large and distinctive vertical fin-like structure protrudes from the center of the Jaeger's chest and was designed to protect the Conn-Pod from attack.

As the head of Gypsy Danger slowed down and landed on its body, the head did a 360 loop securing it.
"Coupling confirmed sir." Tendo said.
"Engage pilot-to-pilot protocol." Stacker Pentecost ordered.
"Engaging pilot-to-pilot protocol sequence." The A.I said.

As the nuclear turbine of Gypsy Danger whirled to live blazing. All the head lights turned on and suddenly, Gypsy Danger was alive and ready for action.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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