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Shouta first met one of them in Nezu's office in his senior year of UA. Nezu had recently become the Principal, and Aizawa was in his office to talk about his underground heroing, because all of his classmates were becoming limelight heroes instead.

When he made it in, there was a tall man with white hair talking to Nezu. He turned to greet the hero in training, and Shouta noticed his lilac eyes and soft (if not a little creepy) smile.

"You must be Aizawa! Nezu was talking about you." The man said, and Shouta noted the Russian accent. "I'm Ivan. I'll watch your hero career with great interest."

Shouta squinted his eyes. He didn't get a good feeling about this Ivan man, but if Nezu had him in his office, he had to be okay. He kept quiet.

Suddenly, the door burst open behind them, a boisterous laugh following. Ivan's eyes narrowed, still facing away from the man. He only reacted when the mystery man jumped on his back.

"Russia, dude!" He shouted in English, and Shouta was only able to understand because Hizashi had been consistently teaching him for the past three years. "I've been looking all over for you!"

Shouta watched in wonder as Ivan's scarf lifted up, and wrapped the loud man in it. That was a good support item! He should get one...

"Excuse me sir, what's your hero name? Would I know you?" Aizawa asked timidly. Ivan stopped and the other man laughed as he was dropped on the floor.

"Ahaha, Russia being a hero?! Don't make me laugh." He wiped a tear. "I'm Alfred by the way, the only hero you'll need to know! Just kidding, All Might looks pretty cool." Aizawa had heard of that hero, he'd just made his debut a few weeks ago. Ivan slapped Alfred in the head, shutting him up.

"I'm not a hero, this is a gift my sister gave me when I was younger." He said, a smile still on his face as he touched his scarf.

"Ah, I see." He wasn't going to question why Alfred was calling Ivan Russia. Maybe because he was Russian? He thought sarcastically.

"Anyways, we need to hurry up and get going to the meeting soon." Alfred turned and left the room, beckoning Ivan to follow. Ivan sighed, turning back to Nezu.

"I really am sorry, but we can catch up another time. Goodbye Nezu, goodbye Aizawa. Good luck in the hero world, I hope to see you again." With that, he left.

Aizawa later got a scarf similar to Ivan's.

He almost forgot about the confrontation, until many years later, when he was back at UA as a teacher, he burst into Nezu's office after expelling his entire class of first years, and saw Ivan standing there. He hadn't seemed to age a day. Another man, with messy blonde hair and bushy eyebrows was also sitting in front of Nezu's desk with a cup of tea.

"Ivan..?" He asked quietly after a few moments of staring.

"Ah, Aizawa, yes? Or should I call you Erasurehead? You've changed a lot since I last saw you." Ivan clapped his hands like a child, his face having the ominous ever present smile on.

"Erasure's fine. I see you haven't changed much. May I ask what your quirk is?" Shouta inquired. At that moment, the other man placed down his cup and stood up.

"Ivan, Kiku's not going to wait forever. I also need to check Matthew is in the meeting today." He said with a British accent, and pulled the Russian man out of the room.

"Of course, of course. See you later Erasure!" Ivan called as he left. Shouta looked at Nezu inquisitively, but only got a shrug. He got on with finalising the papers for expelling twenty kids, and he put Ivan in the back of his mind.

The next run in came way too soon, in fact, it was as soon as he got out of Nezu's office. It was with a strange man, shorter than Shouta by quite a few centimetres, walking around the corridors when he bumped into Shouta. He had straight, light brown hair and a weird curl sticking out of his head, and he wore a blue military jacket Shouta couldn't place. He kept him eyes closed, but that probably was something to do with his quirk.

"Hello, mister! Have you seen a tall, muscly man with blond hair around here?" He asked in a chirpy Italian voice. Aizawa blinked in confusion, was he talking about All Might or someone else?? His answer came when the small man looked past him and saw (even with his eyes closed) the person he must have been looking for.

It wasn't All Might. He looked nothing like All Might. He was in a green military jacket and his light blonde hair was slicked back perfectly. He wasn't smiling either, and had light blue eyes with white eyeballs instead of black.

"Feli, you idiot! Stop running off. Nezu won't allow your silly behaviour in his school halls." The man reprimanded, and Shouta could hear the thick German accent. What was with all these accents?

"Ve~ Sorry Ludwig, I was looking for some water to boil my pasta!" Bit weird, but okay.

"Dummkopf, we aren't in 1942," 1942? That was almost six hundred years ago. What a weird time to pick.

Shouta silently excused himself, continuing his walk to his homeroom. Nezu and his friends were weird.

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