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Hizashi never knew his father.

His mother rarely talked about him, just that Hizashi had the same blond hair and was just as energetic as she remembered him.

It didn't take long to work out he was the result of a one night stand, after he knew what it was. He never asked about it after that.

His mother could never answer when asked what his quirk was, but it must have been strong because his mother had a weak noise booster quirk, and Hizashi had a powerful voice quirk. His mom had long, brown hair and green eyes, but the only trait Hizashi carried over between the two was the green eyes. She also said he spoke fluent English, which Hizashi picked up surprisingly quick.

But his mother loved her child regardless, and Hizashi was sure he didn't need a father figure as long as he had his mom. From a young age, he'd babbled on about becoming a hero, and his mom supported him as he trained his quirk to perfection. All the days when he couldn't speak and the partial deafness she got and how he suffered from becoming fully deaf later in life, she carried on loving him and pushing him to do his best.

He got into UA's hero course just fine, and met one of his best friends, a later boyfriend, Aizawa Shouta after he was transferred from general studies to the hero course. He became a hero, then a teacher at UA alongside his husband, Shouta. He got on fine without a dad.

One day, he was out on a walk around town with his mom, who was now 50. He was off duty, so his hair was down and no-one recognised him. Suddenly, his mother stopped walking, looking at the crowd of people. Hizashi stopped too.

"Huh? Everything okay, Ma?"

"Yes, of course dear. I just thought I saw someone, but it can't be him." She said, still looking at the crowd, at one person in particular. Hizashi centred in on the person immediately.

It was a young man, possibly in his early 20s, with wheat blond hair and blue eyes with glasses. He was laughing with two other men, an albino and someone with spiky light blond hair angled to the side.

"Be right back mom, I'm gonna go get him." Before his mother could protest, he was already running up to the man.

When he got close enough, he tapped the man on the shoulder. Hizashi was a few inches taller than him, and the man looked even younger up close.

"Hi, I'm the voice hero Present Mic, can I talk with you for a second?" He asked seriously.

"Oh, yeah, of course! Man, a real hero... You guys go on ahead, make sure Iggy and France aren't fighting already!" He waved goodbye to his friends and followed Hizashi back to his mother.

He seemed to have no idea of what it meant to be serious... He waited with a beaming face before Hizashi's mother spoke.

"Sorry for the hassle, sir, but I noticed you and my son was already on your tail before I could stop him." She laughed uncertainly. "But by any chance are you Alfred?"

"Yep, that's me! Sorry if this comes off as rude, but how do I know you?" Alfred asked, still with a big smile on his face.

"Oh, I don't expect you to remember. We met thirty years ago after all." Hizashi did a double take and looked at the man again. But he looked so young!

Alfred on the other hand, had stopped smiling. A look of shock and realisation was crossing his face instead as he looked at Hizashi's mom.

"Yamada..?" He asked her. She just smiled and nodded.

"That was quicker than I expected. And this," She gestured to Hizashi. "This one's your making." Both Hizashi and Alfred's mouths fell open as they looked at each other.

"Wait, really?! Oh my goodness, oh my god, I have a son?! I'm so sorry!" Alfred shouted.

"He's my father?! But he's, like, 20!" Hizashi shouted at the same time.

"Hey! I look 20, I'm not actually 20." Alfred said, indignantly crossing his arms over his chest.

"Fine, how old are you?" Hizashi asked, looking down at him. It was probably part of his quirk if he was the same age as Hizashi's mother.

"That's a trade secret, so sorry, but I can't answer." Alfred stuck out his tongue and winked. He even acts like a 20 year old... Then he saw his watch and paled. "Oh man, I'm really sorry, but I have to bounce. I have a meeting I need to be at in ten minutes. Again, I'm super sorry for knocking you up Yamada, and you," He looked at Hizashi. "I'm so sorry for not being there all your life, but know I'm super proud of you." With that, he ran in the direction his friends had left.

When Hizashi got home that night, he found Shouta lying on the couch. Hizashi flopped down on top of him.

"The weirdest thing happened today."

"Oh yeah, like what?"

"I met my dad."

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