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Yuga was wondering through UA at recess. He'd been split up from the rest of his class and now he had no idea where he was in the gigantic school. Despite being in his third year, the whole school was still a maze to him.

He muttered and cursed in French, trying to find stairs to get downstairs. He'd somehow ended up on the tenth floor, when the cafeteria was on the first floor and his last class had been on the third floor.

He blamed Ashido. She'd dragged him to the fifth floor where the textiles and her costumes were to try on another creation of her horrendous fashion sense. Admittedly, it had been better than other costumes she'd made him model last year, and he still didn't know how he'd gone from the fifth floor to the tenth, but Ashido was gone and he was here alone and lost.

He closed his eyes and exhaled, continuing to walk around for a minute until he bumped into someone. It was a man with long blond hair, not dissimilar to Yuga's own, except it was wavy, with stubble and a fancy looking blue uniform on.

"Oh, pardon me, monsieur." Yuga said, about to step around the man when he was stopped.

"Wait, is that a French accent I detect?" The man asked, a surprised look on his face.

"Oui monsieur, I am part French." Yuga nodded, noting the man's similar French accent.

"Ah, it is so good to see UA having open borders!" The man exclaimed in French, before shouting up to the sky, "Suck on that Arthur!" He chuckled as he looked back at Yuga. "So, what are you doing up here rather than being with your undoubtable number of friends?"

"I got lost searching for the cafeteria. I've no idea how I did it, but I'm stuck here, Mr..." Yuga realised he hadn't got the man's name.

"Bonnefoy. Francis Bonnefoy. You can call me Francis, I do not mind. I can help you find your way down if you want... Sorry, what is your name?"

"I'm Aoyama Yuga, in 3-A, and thank you for the offer. Despite being here for so long I still can never find my way around." Yuga laughed as he started to follow Francis.

The two of them kept chatting until they made it to the first floor. Yuga spotted Midoriya's mop of green hair, thanking Francis and running off.

Francis smiled as he left. He hoped that boy wouldn't be one of the unfortunate heroes who died in their first few years.

Four months later, in February, as class 3-A were getting ready for their final exams and joining the pro hero world, they went on a final field trip to the Unforseen Simulation Joint, and, surprise surprise, they were ambushed again. The League of Villain's hadn't fallen, despite the hero's best efforts, they were stronger than they had been two years prior.

Good thing the heroes in training were also stronger.

But this time, they were out numbered by the number of villains. Not like their first encounter at the USJ, with low level thugs, there were many, maybe fifty or so, villains, proper villains, with clever and logical minds, and moves to match.

The class was struggling, there was so much blood and Shinsou was unconscious and Midoriya had broken three of his fingers, something he hadn't done in over a year. Aizawa had sent out an SOS when Iida couldn't get out this time, but the heroes seemed to be taking their sweet time.

Suddenly, the doors burst open, but it wasn't any pros. Even in Yuga's exhausted state, he recognised Francis, but didn't recognise the other men. They all looked distressed as they surveyed the scene, Francis shouting something before all three ran in.

Francis was the first to use his quirk. From where he stomped on the ground at the bottom of the steps, vines, covered in thorns and the occasional rose bud, began moving across the ground like Todoroki's ice. They wound around many of the villains, stabbing a few in the feet.

Once half of the attackers were held in place, the man with scruffy golden hair and thick eyebrows muttered something, raising his hands towards the domed ceiling. A large storm cloud formed over the villains' heads and after a quick, "Move!" to all the students under the cloud, the last man, with silvery hair and a big nose raised his fist as well and large shards of ice fell from the cloud and onto the bound villains, subduing most of them.

After the few villains that the class had managed to take out by this point and the wipe out that the three unknown men had done, there were about 15 villains left. Shigaraki hadn't given Kurogiri an order to open a portal, so those still on their feet were still fighting, although they were starting to show signs of fatigue.

Just as the three men were about to launch another attack, the pros showed up. They knocked out another 10 before Shigaraki ordered Kurogiri to move most of the unconscious villains and let them escape.

When the dust had settled, and an ambulance had been called, Yuga made his way over to Francis first. Francis immediately began asking him if he was okay in French, Yuga responding in French.

Aizawa, supported by Mic, hobbled over to the silver haired man, muttering out, "Ivan..." In a small voice before his legs gave out. Nezu, who had come along with the heroes, shook hands with the last man, thanking him for his efforts and offering some tea on exchange.

Yuga, who had continued his talk in French to Francis, caught sight of Todoroki eyeing him and the man suspiciously. He immediately raised his hand and stared deadpan at Todoroki.

"Non, Todoroki. You have met my father. And my mother. On multiple occasions. I met this man a few months ago." He stated, seeing the question die in Todoroki's eyes. Midoriya patted him on the shoulder before turning to Francis.

"Do you speak Japanese, sir?" Francis nodded. "Oh, okay! I was just wondering, your quirk is incredibly similar to the French hero's, Rosé. Are you related to her in any way?"

Francis' eyes lit up upon hearing the heroine's name. "My my, a Japanese hero in training knowing a French hero? I'm astounded! But to answer your question, the only way that I am related to her is that we are both French." He answered. Midoriya nodded, looking towards the door.

"Ah, Tenya, the paramedics have arrived! Could you lead them towards Shinsou?" He called, his friend running towards the dazed medics.

"Merci, Francis, again. I hope to see you again." Yuga said, bowing as his class began migrating outside and back onto the bus to UA.

"No problem!" He shouted, then turned to the other two men he had come with. "I must say Arthur, I'm surprised you didn't pull out your wand."

"Would you like me to use it on you now, idiot?" The man he addressed, Arthur, sneered irritably, a stick with a star on top appearing in his hands, pointing it in Francis' direction. Ivan chuckled quietly to himself.

As Yuga stared out the window, the bus being a lot quieter than it had been on the ride there, he thought about the past two hours. He thought especially of the moment he saw Francis at the door.

I wonder what his hero name is. He truly is spectacular. Yuga thought as they started up the hill to UA.

"Aoyama, are you sure you aren't his secret love child?" Todoroki's words cut him out of his thoughts.

"For goodness sake, Todoroki, I'd think I'd know if I was related to him!"

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