Chapter One: Orientation and a Horrible First Impression.

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When you live in Louisiana, there is no snow. Only blinding rays of intense heat. Today, it was hot. Very hot. Hot enough you wanted to drink your own sweat out of thirst. August 18, 2014, my first day of Saint Gloria Private Academy, I realized this fact for the first time. Even with the A/C on full blast, my brother's car's leather seats were still melting my butt. I felt cool perspiration on my neck, my hand grasping my wrist in search of hair tie. No luck.
"Justi~in?" I said in my very sweetest little sister tone.
"Shut up, you abortion." Justin replied in a pissed off voice. He gets road rage. Bad.
A car pulled in front of him, making Justin scream curses at the lime green jeep.
"Can we stop at Baskin Robbins?"
"Carmen, Baskin Robbins is in the opposite direction and we have five minutes to get to school." What he actually said involved much more colorful language, but I omitted it for your sake.
"But it's so hooooooooooot!" I exclaimed, sliding back into my seat with a wince as the burning leather touched my skin.
"No. I'm not going to be late for orientation just because you wanted ice cream." The light in front of him suddenly turned red, getting an angry cuss from my brother in return.
I rolled down my window and fanned myself with my hand. We moved from Fairbanks, Alaska to Shreveport, Louisiana last summer, but I still haven't gotten used to the heat. I want back my snow. One day, we came home to all of our stuff packed in brown cardboard boxes and a smiling Mom and Dad. They decided they wanted to open a seafood restaurant in Louisiana. My parents are rather impulsive, and love to open businesses at a moments notice. So far they've opened a smoothie joint, a pet store, a gym, an art supplies shop, and a Chipotle. Who can say their parents owned a Chipotle, Huh? Thanks to that, I can make killer burritos.

When we arrived at school after a flurry of cusses are curses and sweating, we were exactly 16 minutes late. When we arrived at the auditorium, we were exactly 22 minutes late. When Justin and I found the auditorium's mahogany double door, sweat from running everywhere searching and just from the heat, I realized that this was the beginning of a brand new life for me. Justin's pale, large hands opened the door.
"-ank you for this assembly,Lord, these new students. We are truly blessed to be here today in your presen-" then the door creaked. Loudly. And everyone opened their eyes and turned to face us.


We just interrupted a prayer. Everyone's judging eyes cemented on us sweat-covered siblings.
I heard a faint giggle in the crowd. Then the whole school erupted into laughter. The kind when you laugh so hard your stomach hurts and your eyes water.
"Ahem, please take a seat." The man on stage who was leading the prayer said, obviously extremely annoyed. I could feel my face turning a beet red as me and Justin made our way to a pair of cheap plastic chairs. I didn't hear what he said for the rest of the orientation. I was too busy being embarrassed and wondering how I could make the whole school forget this assembly. I didn't come up with anything. Finally the bald old man who led the prayer, who I now knew to be our principal, told us to get our schedules and be dismissed. After a lot of pushing and shoving, I received my schedule. And just because of the goodness of my heart, I grabbed Justin's too, him still at the back of the horde. Jumping aside and snagging Justin, I bee lined toward the exit.
I wanted my Baskin Robbins and I wanted it now.
A cold, wrinkled hand grabbed my wrist. Turning quickly, I saw the principals brown eyes face to face.
"May I have a word with you and your brother in my office?"

My head was becoming a battlefield, it debating what our punishment will be. This school is strict. Super strict. Will we get expelled? Detention? I was so far into despair I didn't even realize that I was now sitting in the comfortable dark blue chairs of Mr. Baldy's office.
"My name is Frank Williams, I am currently the principal of this school. Are you new students? What is your names?"
"Justin and Carmen Moree, sir. We moved from Fairbanks last summer." Justin said immediately.
"Fairbanks? Where is that?"
"Wow! Weather must be a shock, eh?" He guffawed at himself.
Mr. Williams was a short, chubby man with a head so hairless you can see your own reflection.
He seemed like one of those nice old men who give you candy when you see them.
"Yessir." I have no idea where Justin learned these 'sirs' at. Our family has zero manners.
"Well, I called you here because you missed the beginning of the assembly."
Shiiiiiiiiit! Hold it together, I'll just tell him it's a misunderstanding, yeah!
As I opened my mouth, Mr. Williams began speaking again.
"Our school has many clubs, as you may know. It is mandatory to join one. The beginning of orientation always begins with the students picking out a club. You were unfortunately absent for this part of the assembly, and there is only two available clubs left to join."
"How many people can be in one club?" I asked, confused as to why I wasn't expelled.
"Fifteen. And sports teams are not considered clubs."
"What are our two options?" Justin inquired.
"The Morse Club and The Algebra Study Club."
"Morse Club?" I asked, even though I was already going to join it. Who would join the Algebra Study Club?
"It's a club dedicated to the study of morse code."
There's a club for studying morse code? No wonder these clubs are the only two left. Better than algebra, though.
"I'll join that one."
"Me too."
I glared over at Justin. I do NOT wanna be in the same club as my brother! He looked at me as if to say,"Come on, as if I'm gonna join the algebra club!"
Fair enough. At least I'll have someone to talk to amongst the morse code nerds.
"Okay, fill out these forms and hand them in to your homeroom teacher tomorrow. The Morse Club meets in room B-106, at the end of the east hallway. You'll begin club activities tomorrow as well."
"Thank you, sir." Seriously, what is up with Justin saying sir?!
"See you tomorrow!" He said, politely waving with a warm smile.
"Oh, feel free to some candy before you leave." Mr. Williams then pulled out a large red bowl full of various candies.

I knew he was the old man who gives out candy.

~ authors note: I never know how long to make my chapters, so I hope this is enough XD the other chapters will be longer, promise! Anyway, I hope you like my story! More interesting stuff will happen next chapter. Love Interest #1 is introduced~

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