Chapter 2 - Prom Night

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The two loving couples strolled into the big building and went straight to the dinner hall, the loud pop music was blasting through the halls making Clyde bob his head to the beat.

"This is going to be so fun" Nichole giggles holding Token's hand tightly while The blonde beside Clyde smirks slightly as they got inside.

Many students were already dancing and some was even at the Food table with the red punch which was full, clyde grins wanting to dance "come on babe!" He chuckles grabbing her hand and pulls her to the dance floor and began to dance.

Nichole chuckles "gosh your friend always makes me laugh" she stated and walks calmly beside Token towards a table and chairs, "yah, heh he's such a goofball" Token says smiling watching his best friend dance like a idiot.

After a hour in the party Clyde pants walking out from the group of students, running a hand through his messy brown hair and heads to Token who had been sitting alone on his own table.

"Where's Nichole?" He questioned taking the chair beside the darken skin boy who smiles, "she went off with Wendy and Red and the other girls" Token responded sipping his punch from his red plastic cup.

Clyde nods taking the cup off Token and began to drink from the same cup making the brown eye male laugh "Bebe had enough of dancing and kinda disappeared" Clyde says passing the cup back and sighs feeling refreshed.

"So... you basically lost her?" Token stated with a small smirk making the smaller male fake pout.

"No.... totally didn't dance alone thinking she was right beside me.." Clyde mutters out before the two boys laughed.

Token smiles finishing his cup "could you get me a drink? And maybe one for yourself?" Token asked chuckling, Clyde nods loving to help and waved at Token before heading to the food table.

Strolling past people, bumping into Tweek who worn a white shirt and a loose jacket. Clyde felt himself blush seeing the blonde looking rather cute, his hair was a lot more neater than normally.

"Hey Clyde, u-um... have you seen Craig?" He asked nervously making Clyde frown "sorry, I haven't seen him. I don't even think he came" Clyde responded feeling pity for the blonde before pouring some of the punch into two cups.

Tweek watched and nods "okay.. oh.. don't drink too much okay?" He mumbles before walking away, Clyde shrugged it off knowing Tweek felt upset knowing Craig wasn't here.

Making his way back to Token who had now Nichole behind him giving him a heated kiss making the taco loving boy to stop, Token was blushing slightly hearing Nichole whisper in his ear and nods "Deal~" he smirks to her before watching her leave.

Clyde and Token made eye contact for a moment before the smaller male smiles awkwardly "go and have fun, I'll drink here" he chuckles making Token grin and got up "thanks!" He quickly hugged Clyde and ran after his girlfriend.

For the rest of the night Clyde ended up moving closer to the punch and drank more and more, not seeing a single sign from Bebe or any of his friends.

The only reason he was still there was because the punch tasted so good, hell his vision was blurry and he was wobbly a little bit he didn't care.

"Queen and King will be announced soon!" A teacher stated loudly, Token walks towards the food table as his tie was a messy slightly and his hair was different than before, having hickeys around his neck and collar bone.

Token soon spotted Clyde and stroll over with a smile "hey dude you al-" "TOKIE!!" Clyde shouts over the music and smiles happily at Token.

The taller male laugh seeing Clyde was drunk "come on, let get you to sober up, someone probably spiked the punch" he stated wrapping Clyde's arm around his shoulder.

Clyde giggles letting the taller male help him towards the rest room "heh, someone fucked someone~" he teased seeing the hickeys making Token blush "dude, I didn't fuck her, we just made out" he corrected and helped Clyde on the counter.

Washing Clyde's face with cold water as he whines and began to fight back "nooo... Tokie stop" he pouted getting up as Token sighs pinning Clyde before he could leave the bathroom "dude your way more tipsy than anyone here" Token stated knowing he was a little tipsy but at least he can control himself.

Clyde whines again before staring up at his best friend seeing how sexy he was and blushes while Token stares confuse, their minds went blank as Clyde leans up making the first move as Token's grip tighten from shock until he melted into the softer lips.

The two shared a loving kiss as they felt as if the world had stopped around them, Clyde flutter his eyes closed and ran a hand down Token's chest making Token pull away and blushes.

He stared dazed down at clyde seeing him biting his bottom lip with a dark blush across his cheek, Token couldn't help but press their bodies together and ran a hand through Clyde's hair as they continued to make out.

Token kisses down Clyde's neck "mm~ f-fuck me~" Clyde moans quietly, breathing heavily as his hair was a mess.

The dark skinned male didn't think but shove his lips onto the smaller male knowing both of their dates were on the dance floor while they were in the restroom making out.

The Mistaken Night (Tyde - Token x Clyde)Where stories live. Discover now