Chapter 4 - what happened?

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The next morning the small male slowly opened his eyes with a pain going straight through his mind, letting out a loud groan as he grip onto his hair letting out a soft sigh.

Looking around the room he felt himself stare confuse as memories of last night was blank, "where... am I?" Clyde whispers before spotting the purple wall paper full of music notes and posters of bands.

The Teen knew where he was as soon he woken up more, looking around a bit more confuse at why He was at Token's bedroom.

Clyde slowly got out of bed, letting his legs swing from under the warmth below the cover to see he was still in his suit and blushes "wow.. I must have got wasted.." he mutters to himself before undressing and heading to Token's closet to steal clothes yet again.

Pulling out a purple shirt and some shorts and fresh boxers he began to changed not noticing the footsteps coming from the hallway.

The older male stretched his arm across his chest, pressing his other hand on it letting out a sigh of relief "yo Clyde you awak-" Token's eyes widen as he had opened the door to see Clyde in his shorts while shirtless.

The small teen gasp blushing darkly as he quickly shoved on the shirt and glares at Token "Dude have you heard of knocking!?" He snapped before letting out a whine of pain from his headache.

Token nods embarrassed slightly as he chuckles "dude relax, I got you some pain killers anyways" he stated walking over and reaching into his pocket and passed over the two white pills.

Clyde felt himself smile at the slight before snatching them and swallowing them whole making Token lose his smile a bit concerned at how easy Clyde had swallowed the pills without any drink.

Before he could have say his concerns Clyde had faced him "um Token... how did I get here?" He asked noticing the slight pain in his lower back guessing he slept funny.

Token smiles at the memory with a blush "well actually... I'll tell you when we go have breakfast, it's actually really funny" he chuckles softly before turning to the door and left without another word.

Clyde stood there knowing he had no other way around with getting the information about last night, soon following his best friend while limping down the stairs as he smelt the smoky bacon earning his mouth to water.

"Fuck... that smells so good, I demand extra bacon this fine morning, good sir!" Clyde said in a much posher voice making Token laugh and smirks "oh~ anything for you my guest~" he winked in a flirty tone.

The smaller teen felt goosebumps from the way his best friend spoke before smiling and sat down at the table, "heh.. soo.. about last night.." he mumbles watching Token place the two plates onto the table.

He stared at Clyde for a moment at the memory of seeing his expression last night made him chuckle "gosh I'm a little heartbroken that you forgot~" he teased making Clyde frown a bit concerned about what he couldn't remember.

"So?... how about you tell me and then it won't be so sad" he chuckles softly as he swallowed a fork full, Token leaned on his palm and smiled "well we were at the party and y- we both got a little drunk" he started knowing Clyde was way drinker than he was.

Clyde sat there patiently while eating his delicious food that the older teen had cooked, "we ended up going to the rest room and this is where it got funny-" before Token could finish the sound of his ringtone filled the quiet kitchen with jazz music.

"I'll be right back" Token chuckled out seeing Nicole's name with a Purple Heart at the end on his screen, Clyde watched his friend leave the kitchen as he sighs curious of what was so funny that he couldn't remember...

"How's Clyde? Does he have a headache?" Nichole asked in her sweetest voice as Token chuckles softly "yah, that boy really can't handle his alcohol" he joked hearing his girlfriend giggle, "babe don't be so mean to him" she giggled before sighing down the phone.

"I was thinking... could we meet up today? I really got to say something to you" she asked making the brown eye male confuse, "can't we talk now? Are you okay honey?" He asked worried not getting a response from Nichole.

"See... you soon..." she spoke before hanging up making the teen gulp, 'did she find out that I slept with my best friend?!' He thought knowing he did it just to see how it felt and the thought of his girlfriend finding out made his heart stop beating for every two seconds.

"Hey Tokie? You look like you just had a call from Satan" Clyde mumbles who had made his way out of the kitchen and stood in front of Token who had zoned out.

"Oh fuck!.. erm yah... I actually have to get going" he mumbles having slight regret about last night, Clyde stares worried about his friend "but you said you'll tell me what happened last night" he mumbles unhappy.

Token sighs nodding "I'll tell you later okay? But I really should get going to Nichole, it's important" he stated while walking away and putting on his shoes.

Clyde nods softly before smiling "heh girlfriends come first, well... talk later dude!" He grins doing the same.

The two soon left the house together and part ways, one curious of last night events and one anxious to see what his girlfriend wanted to tell him...

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