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Y/n = your name
L/n = last name
S/n = superhero name
F/c = favourite colour

Superhero appearance: a grey mask, grey suit and real wolf ears and tail

Weapon: extendable bone

Amou (kwami): grey wolf

Miraculous: a necklace with a wolf face at the bottom the timer is the whole wolf head

Y/n ears are super sensitive to loud noises since she can hear six miles from her position, she can remove her wolf ears and tail in her human form but she can also bring them out aswell, her parents died when she was ten that's also around the time she found the wolf miraculous, everytime she detransforms her ears and tail stay out

Powers: super strength, super hearing and claws (two of them are permantly out so y/n doesn't have to say claws or super hearing they are just apart of her)

Fears: babies (a little), fire thunderstorms and lightning

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