The End? (chapter six)

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Your pov

I turn around and saw Chat Noir

Chat: hey puppy

Me: hey

Chat: did you mean what you said

I tilt my head

Chat: that you weren't mine

Me: yes I did mean that

Chat: and I thought we were dating

Me: why did you think that

Chat: because sometimes you blush when I call you puppy

Me: that doesn't mean anything

Chat Noir grabs my chin with his index finger and thumb he lifts my head up he puts his free hand around my waist he moves me closer to him making me blush

Chat: so you do love me

I try to push him off but he was too strong he transforms back

Adrien: I love you my puppy

Me: you do

He nods he closes his eyes and kisses my lips I close my eyes and kiss him back soon it ends

Adrien: so you do love me

Me: yeah

He smirks

Plagg: can you stop you're making us lose our appetite

We pull away we see Amou and Plagg on my bedside table Plagg was eating cheese while Amou was eating raw meat

Me: you two are so similar

Amou: true

There was a knock on my door I get rid of my ears and tail I open my front door and saw Sarah

Sarah: hey

Me: why are you here

Sarah: to get to know you

Me: I'm busy

Sarah: with

Adrien stands next to me

Sarah: oh ok I get it

I slam the door I blush slightly

Adrien: your manager is interesting

I sit on my sofa my ears and tail come out they were lowered

Adrien: what's wrong

Me: I miss my old manager

Adrien: what happend to him or her

Me: I don't know

He sits next to me he puts his arm around my shoulder I hug him

Adrien: I'm sorry that happend

Me: it's not your fault

He starts petting my ears my tail wags Adrien smiles making me smile

Adrien: you feeling better

I nod he stops making my tail stop I stop hugging him

Adrien: I'm glad you're better

Adrien looks at his phone

Adrien: I should go it's getting late

Me: ok night

In Love With Two | Adrien X Female Reader X Chat Noir Where stories live. Discover now