Welcome To Paris (chapter one)

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I wake up to my alarm clock ringing through my ears I turn my alarm clock off I sit up and saw Amou sleeping on my bedside table I get up and went in my bathroom I turn my shower on and entered the hot water fell on my body Amou enters with a piece of raw meat

Amou: you need to move to Paris

Me: why

Amou: because there are two superheroes and they need help

Me: fine I'll move tomorrow

Amou eats it's raw meat in one second then he leaves I finish washing my body and hair I get out I grab my towel then I start drying my body and hair as soon as I was done drying I get changed and went in the kitchen I cook myself some bacon and eggs I eat it then I went online to see houses for sale

In Paris

I finished unpacking my things

Me: Amou let's hunt

I transform into s/n I go on my roof then I start parkouring around on roofs soon I see the Eiffel tower

Me: that's amazing

I saw two people on it I go on it

Cat: who is this puppy

Me: I'm not a puppy kitty I'm a wolf

Red: so who are you

Me: I'm s/n a superhero like you

Cat: I'm Chat Noir

He kisses the back of my hand

Red: I'm Ladybug if you are a superhero how have we never seen you

Me: because I lived in another city then Amou told me you guys needed help so I came here

Chat: so miss s/n want to go out tonight

Me: sorry kitty but I'm busy tonight

Chat: too busy for me

Me: yep anyway I should go I'm exhausted from moving

Chat: why didn't you tell me I could've helped you

Me: then you'll know my real self bye you two

I parkour to a nearby roof with a little help from my bone then I started parkouring home as soon as I arrive I go in a nearby alleyway

Me: Amou hunt over

I transform back I hide my ears and tail then I start walking home as soon as I enter I go to my room I get changed then went to bed

The next day

I wake up and got changed I go in the kitchen I ate cereal then I start walking to my new school Amou was in my bag as soon as I arrive I saw two girls one with glasses and one with pigtails I go over to them

Glasses: oh my gosh aren't you y/n

Me: yeah

Glasses: can I interview you for the Ladyblog

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