Ladyblog (chapter two)

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Your pov

Suddenly we hear a loud crash we start going towards the noise as soon as we arrive we saw a giant dinosaur on top was a child the dinosaur has a cool fire skin

Kid: I am Dinosaure I will make people pay for saying dinosaurs aren't cool

Chat: do you mean hot since your dinosaur has a fire pattern

Ladybug sighs

Dinosaure: do you think dinosaurs are cool

Me: I prefer the dire wolf myself but dinosaurs are ok

Suddenly the dinosaur shot fire out of it's mouth I dodge it's attack

Dinosaure: now what do you think of dinosaurs

Me: they're amazing

Dinosaure leaves

Ladybug: seriously your scared of Dinosaure

Me: it shot fire at me

Chat: maybe I can calm your nerves with a date

I hear a lot of screams it kept continuing

Me: want me to claw you

Ladybug: let's just start fighting

Me: agreed all this screaming is giving me a headache

They tilt their heads we then started running to Dinosaure their heads weren't tilted anymore as soon as we arrive we saw a lot of fire my ears and tail lower

Chat: what's wrong s/n

Me: fire

Ladybug: you're afraid of fire aren't you

I nod

Ladybug: lucky charm

A bucket falls from the sky

Me: what is that supposed to do

Ladybug looks around

Ladybug: I have a plan you two set up a water trap I'll get the water and Chat we'll use your belt

Chat: ok m'lady

Ladybug leaves

Chat: you distract Dinosaure while I set the trap

Me: you have to be kidding me I can't distract that thing

Chat: you have to face your fears

Me: fine

We jump down I go over to Dinosaure


He turns to me

Dinosaure: what

Me: so what do you like more fire or dinosaurs

Dinosaure: both

Me: you have to pick one

Dinosaure: what do you like more

Me: dinosaurs

Dinosaure: I love dinosaurs too

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