Chapter one

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I was on duty when suddenly my phone buzzed inside my pocket. I didn't mind it at first for I've had to wait for my boss to went back to the kitchen.

I took a glance on the screen before putting it back in my pocket, coz I couldn't risk getting caught.

Upon that attempt checking my phone I'd received a message from my boyfriend Jack. I'd planned to open it later after my work is done. I wondered what took him to message me while I'm at work. Getting back to my responsibility, I took the tray from the counter and served the food that a customer ordered.

Serving in a busy restaurant, holding a tray in one hand I walked straight to my customer's table and gave him his order.

"Is there anything else you need Sir?" I asked politely.

"No, Thank you!" said the man.

"Enjoy your meal" I said then I went back in the kitchen to looked for my boss.


My shift was already done. I can go home now. Since I have two hours interval for my other job, I would still have time to take a shower at home.

I walked straight to the back door and went to Employee's parking lot where I had parked my motorcycle. With that I could go home in a shorter time.

Before getting on my motorbike I took my phone out of my pocket. Reading the text message of my boyfriend, Jack.

'Hey babe, Can you get me some ice cream on your way home? Thanks!' A message from Jack earlier.

I didn't text him back coz he already know that I would still go and buy what ever he would ask me to.

Getting on my bike and started the engine. I went out of the parking lot and managed to find the nearest operating convenience store to buy his ice cream.

While driving on my way to the convenience store, I saw a not so big yet inviting candy shop few blocks from my destination.

At my age of twenty-four, I'm still fond of candies and I see nothing wrong with that. I decided to stopped by in front of the candy shop to buy something sweet for me.

Upon entering the shop, a blond-haired woman greeted me a warm welcome with a pleasing smile.

Looking around I saw children choosing and picking their sweets with their parents accompanying them. The ambiance was full of happiness and seeing both of parents and their children enjoying their short but memorable bond inside this sweets store.

From that moment it brought me the feeling of nostalgia way back when i was with my parents happily bonding together. Those were the times when i was still inside the closet of my sexual preference.

*flash back from six years ago*

"Mom, I'm home!" I shouted upon entering the living room.

"Oh Leo, you're home" My mother greeted me with a smile on her face. "So how was school?" asked my mom.

"Fine, same as always" I replied.

"Good, go get changed then help me prepared the table for dinner." She ordered me before going back to the kitchen.

Walking along the stairs going to my room. I placed my bag at the corner of my bed. I took off my shirt and jeans then change to denim short and plain black shirt.

Going back down stairs. I found my Mom in the kitchen cooking pasta and beef.

"Leo, help me prepare the table please"

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