Chapter three

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"Yeah, I'm just visiting a friend here." The guy replied. He blew the flame and drank it straight. After he placed the empty glass down, he intentionally grabbed Caitlyn's shirt and kissed her.

The man stumbled on the floor, it was so fast that I didn't catch-up to see her punch him. Caitlyn grabbed the man on its collar and dragged him out of the club. The group he was with followed their trail chuckling as they were about to witness the outcome of their plan. They seemed to be enjoying that brutality moment. When they reached the back door, Caitlyn slammed the door by throwing the guy to the lot. While on the pavement, she rapidly punched him directly in the face. His white polo shirt had tainted red by his blood caused of Caitlyn's anger.

"Okay this is bad, I need to stop her or else she might gonna kill him." I said to myself. I started panicking after remembering that she's a little drank.
I went close to her to calm her.

Before I got near her, one of the bouncers was already holding her. The group earlier took care of their friend. They even managed to chuckle with their friend's after almost get killed by Caitlyn. Their faces seemed like they had just found out that the rumors are true.

I walk in front of Caitlyn and calmed her down and hold her arms. "Caitlyn that's enough." I told her. When she was getting a bit calmed one of the guy friends spoke.

"Fuck! I think she really broke your nose dude."

"That's what he get for kissing me!" Caitlyn fired back to the guy.

I was still holding her arm's just in case she tried to attack one of them, I can't let her do that because the manager would yell at us.

Before the guy can say something, someone was clapping, and that someone was Victoria. Caitlyn's cousin the owner of the club where I work.

"Well, well that was quite a show, I've been gone for a week and this what happened?" Victoria's words made Caitlyn roll her eyes.

"If that asshole didn't kiss me I wouldn't beat him up." Caitlyn said.

"Oh, is that so?" Victoria asked and look at the man sitting on the ground whit his friends making fun of him. She walk directly in the man's detection and his friends scattered around to give way for her and she lifted the guy to his feet.

"Oh, look at you, she really did beat you up badly but not that really bad." She said and patted his cheek. But then she punch her in the guts and let him fall on the ground.

"Your Lucky I wasn't in the mood right now." and with that she walk to the club entrances. When I was about to get inside to follow Victoria inside Caitlyn stop me.

"Vi, were going home now." Caitlyn spoke. Dragging me to the parking lot Victoria just wave her hand and say.

" Do what's you want." Whit that she's gone.

I asked Caitlyn if this was okay and if her cousin was really okay with the idea of me tagging along her. But she just said that it's fine and get over it she mostly just ignore my other comments.


I've got woken up by my alarm in my bed side table. I looked for my phone and check for the time but I got cut off when I see my calendar that it's Monday. 'oh yeah I forgot that it was my day off today.'  I thought to my self.

I got up on my bed and headed to the bathroom to do my morning routine. I took my toothbrush and brush my teeth. And I just remembered that Jack is going to pick up his stuff here.

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