Tweek- Late Nights

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I sat at a dark circle table that stood so high my feet were dangling off of the floor. I watched as Tweek scuttled around behind the counter, pulling at his hair and muttering to himself, constantly twitching.

"Tweek!" I shouted, he jumped and looked back at me, as I motioned for him to come closer. He stepped over, and I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him closer. I gently unbuttoned his shirt, fixing all the incorrections. At my touch he said, "Gah! Wh-what are you doing?"

"Don't worry, I'm fixing this!" I laughed.

"Y-yeah! I-I've gotta go back." He said, walking back behind his counter. Clyde, Craig, and Token laughing.

"Wow, I never thought faces could turn that red.." Craig laughed, "Wait, nevermind, Rea was blushing more," he pointed to me smugly.

"Oh, shut up guys," I rolled my eyes, "His buttons are always bothering me."
Clyde put on his innocent girly face and said in a highly pitched voice, "His buttons were bothering me." He folded his hand under his chin, batting his eyelashes.
"Oh shut up," I hissed, smacking his face playfully.
I mean, Tweek was very attractive. Much like everyone in South Park he was lanky (maybe it's a South Park only mutation, because God know crazy shit happens here) He had hazel eyes with the brightest green specks in them you've ever seem, and it's cute how jumpy he gets. Spazzy isn't that unattractive to me. And his muscles, oh goodness his muscles. He wasn't ripped or anything, but toned, and God was it a turn on. Don't even mention- I mean, he's great and all, but me and him together. Nahhh. It just doesn't seem right. Well no, it seems, no, yeah, totally unimaginable.
"Yo, Rea," Craig snapped, "were you-"
"Thinking about tea! Yeah, yes!" I interrupted. He started to smirk.
"I think Rea was daydreaming about," he twirled invisible hair around, "Tweek," he prolonged in a feminine voice.
"Oh man, Rea, I say go for it. Just tell him 'Tweek, I think you're really hot,' and stuff," Clyde said. Token's coffee brown eyes rolled in annoyance.
"Oh no guys, Tokens got a plan," Clyde smiled.
"Well, I thought maybe we should all go to a scary movie and they should sit together," All the boys nodded their heads like it was genius.
"I don't understand, why scary, how will this work?" I asked. Token sighed.
"Remember when you played Cry of Fear and you wouldn't let go of my leg?" I nodded, embarrassed, "Well, if Tweek sits next to you, you get scared and he'll-"
"A-and he'll accidentally," Clyde quoted the word accidentally, interrupting Token,"put his penis in you," My face was burning crimson, and Token shook his head.
"Nevermind, just, let's go to the movies," Token sighed.

I woke up at seven that night, expecting the boys to icky me up in Clyde's ugly green minivan we call "Supersludge" based on its colour. I fished through my clothes, picking out some skinny jeans and a blue and white sweater. I tied my hair into a pony tail, the long, coffee brown waves flowing down to my hips. I put some thick white sock over my jeans and pulled on my brown boots, waiting for "Supersludge" to drive by. I sat outside of our window, checking my phone until I spazzed and dropped my phone from a loud "honk".
"Bastards," I said under my breath.
I walked out of out front door, climbing into "Supersludge." I knew the drill, I was the smallest, so I was in the back always, of course, Tweek was 'coincidentally' in the back, too. I easily lifted my legs out the seats and climbed into the back with Tweek.
"Oh, Rea, it seems you haven't brought your jacket," Clyde said, faking sympathy, "I'll just have to turn up the heat," And with that, icy air started shooting out of the air vent.
I huddled in the corner, any unshaven hair on my body sticking up. I didn't want to move.
"God, Tweek, your buttons," I shivered, looking at his shirt.
"Well, um, I always do it too fast, you know, it's just-" he didn't continue, I already had my thin fingers fixing his buttons. He soon sat really close to me.
"I-I-can move away, just, you looked cold," He squeaked.
"No, " I blushed, "this is just fine," I said, scootching closer. That was pretty much the rest of the short drive.
We pulled into the movie theatre, the huge posters showcasing the "most thrilling horror of the decade"
My ass.
We bought a ton of candy, popcorn, and soda, all juggling it in our hands, and we made our way to theatre four, all sitting down in the dark room. Me and Tweek next to each other of course. The previews were bullshit, and we were all on our phones until finally, loins music played with a clear feminine voice telling us to put all devices away, meaning the movie was about to start.

The movie was about a bunch of ghosts from a Satanic cult haunting a family, simple, unoriginal stuff. But scary as hell. I constantly found myself clinging to Tweek. And then the part came. The part where the slow and progressive music played and you knew it was a jumpscare.
Unfortunelty, I did not do jumpscares, all the boys knew this. So, I took my head and I buried it deep into Tweeks sleeve, clinging my arms around him. Over the music, I could just barely hear his heart, racing fast. He was so warm, he smelled so good. I heard the music progress, and the creak if a door opening achingly slow, teasing the audience with their own fear.
That's when the music blared and the man was screaming, and I practically leaped on Tweek, I clenched him harder than ever.
The man was the last one to die. The whole family had died. Pretty sad, but predictable. I knew the movie was over.
But I didn't want to let go of Tweek. I did, and I knew the boys were swooning over us.
Maybe thirty minutes after I had gotten home, there was a knock on our door. It was Tweek, with two paper cups of coffee.
"H-hi," He said, I said hello and let him in. He handed the paper cup to me, and I took a sip.
"Why coffee?" I asked him.
"I-I dunno, late night," He said, joining me on the couch.
"Well maybe we should have late nights more often," I said, to which he nodded. I shook my head, sipping on the coffee.
"So, um, what brings you here?" I asked. I took another sip of coffee. Tweek hade made it special. He knows I'm not one for bitter coffee, light roast with a ton of milk and creamer was as far as I went. Unlike his, pure black roast.
"Well, um, maybe we, could go see another movie," he said.
"Sure, I could call the guys tomorrow."
"No," he shook his head," maybe just you and I," He stuttered. Between the hot coffee and the heat on my face I was burning.
"Yeah, yeah, and, Tweek?" I asked.
"Y-yeah?" His face was dusted with pink.
"How come you never jumped it got scared, you know, during the movie?"
"W-well, I mean, you were depending on me, y-you make me feel stronger. I'm the little guy, but, you, you, went to me for protection. I-I felt strong," I put down my coffee and I kissed him. I grabbed his shirt and kissed him. He was so amazing at it, not like you'd expect. Eventually I let go of his shirt and he was pulling me down on the couch with the kiss. It was gentle, but deep. When we pulled apart, he pulled me into his chest.
"Yeah," he said, surprisingly, completely calm, "More late nights like this."

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