Chapter 18

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Orianna's POV

I toss on the bed, it's pretty dark outside and the fact that Quillon isn't here must mean that it's the early morning hours and he's gone home to get ready.

Today Brandon goes back to school and I still feel very drained from my last chemo session. I've been feeling really tired for absolutely no reason, but I'm sure it's because of all the fighting that's happening in my blood cells.

I still find it so hard to believe that I'm in the hospital battling leukemia right now.

I wish I was home or maybe even at work. I wonder if Zoe will cry about letting Brandon go to school today as well.

She cries every morning before Brandon leaves, complaining about she doesn't want him to go and that he should take her along.

I smile at the memory before wiping away a few stray tears that escaped.

I toss again before closing my eyes and try falling asleep to avoid crying and having puffy eyes then worrying Quillon when he gets here.

I wanna look fresh when the kids get here before they have to go drop Brandon off.


"No!" I look up at the door when I hear Zoe's voice.

"I give up. Ori, deal with this little savage." Kilani points to Zoe who's clinging on Brandon's leg, making it difficult for Brandon to walk.

"Mornings. What's wrong with her?" I laugh.

"Ask her." Lani folds her hands.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask her.

"Bwandon wan go sool, he no take me." She pouts and tears pool in her adorable eyes.

"Awwwn, baby come here." I stretch out my hands to her.

She runs towards my bed as she starts crying.

Lani lifts her up and places her next to me.

"Don't cry baby. Brandon will come back early from school, you can go with Lani to drop him off and also to pick him up. Okay? You can even stay here with me till Brandon comes back." I bargain and try to stop her tears.

I feel her tiny tears on my neck as she sniffles.

"I stay wit you?" She slowly pulls away from my neck.

"Yes baby." I nod at her.

"Can Bwandon stay too?" She plays with her fingers.

"Brandon has to go to school." She pouts.

"You can drop Brandon off then stay with me till you have to go pick him up. Okay?" I ask and she nods.

"Good." I smile at her.

"Where's Quillon?" I ask Lani when Zoe gets off me and heads to Brandon.

"Oh girl. I've got tea!" She dramatically says.

"Spill, what happened?"

"So, last night we all ended up sleeping at Quillon's place because Meredith said she was gonna help with making lunch and all. This morning, I woke up to some commotion, I left my room and saw that french bimbo Marie over there. I regret not getting there on time to get the full scoop, but you should've heard Quillon's come back." She squeals.

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