Chapter 1: Surprised Guest

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Pen. Paper. Pen. Paper.

You tried to move the pen closer to the paper, using all your physical might, however the tip refused to make contact with the paper and produce words.

You stared fiercely at the challenge in front of you, unwavering determination lighting your eyes.
Come on brain, you can do it! Just think of something!

A bead of sweat trickled down the side of your face. Again, you tried forcing the pen onto the paper.

But alas, it adamantly refused to wrote a single letter.

You released a heavy sigh, your shoulders slacking as you loosened the tense muscles in your body. Leaning against back your chair, you glanced at the clock reading; 3:03 p.m.

You hung your head low, groaning aloud in frustration as you conceded defeat. It had been about an hour since you stopped writing. It was official: You had- you.. Shuddering at the thought-...had writers block.

It wasn't that you didn't know what to write about. You simply didn't know how to write 'it'.

While chronicling adventures, you were suddenly struck with inspiration and began to work on an original novel. You'd been at it for months, using the spare time between missions and spending time with the Sakamaki and Mukami brothers to scribble down your future best-selling novel in a small notebook kept in a hidden drawer in your desk.

The original characters were "loosely" based on your friends, and the adventures you went on were quite similar to the ones you'd had yourself. But in a great story, there has to be an epic romance! Since neither you nor your friends were in a epic romantic relationships, you used the power of your imagination to plant and build a relationship between the two main characters of your story.

But now you were at the point in the novel where the characters were going to express their feelings, and in order to be taken seriously as an adult writer, there was only one way to do that steamy, intimate, romantic scene.

But how could you write about something you never personally experienced?

Sure, you had a healthy imagination, and of course you knew the basic mechanics of the act. However, you'd never done anything more than a simple kiss, so how could you accurately describe what to do, and how is felt? What if you ended up writing something so ridiculous and inaccurate that your writing reputation would be forever be ruined?

No, a serious, professional writer could write a scene like this no problem! And since that was who you were, you could do this!

With newfound determination burning inside you, you pulled your chair close to your desk and lifted your pen once more. Suddenly, the doors of creativity burst open as your mind envisioned exactly what you were going to write.
Yes! I got it! You cheered.

You hastily lowered your pen to write the first word-

You whisked your head over your shoulder. From the living room?! Oh no, don't tell me it's-

Your bedroom door got kicked open. "Yo, (y/n)! Watcha doin'?"

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