Chapter 2: The Truth

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You whisked your head over your shoulder. From the living room?! Oh no, don't tell me its-

You bedroom door was kicked open. "Yo, (y/n)! Watcha doin'?"


You fell from your chair in surprise, crashing to the ground. Ayato peered down at you, tilting his head to the side as he scratched his red hair.

"Eh? What are you doing down there?"

You scowled at him. "Ayato! How many times have I told you to stop breaking into my house?!"

He smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry. Old habits die hard I guess."

You muttered grumpily under your breath, taking a seat in your chair once more. You gathered your pen and started again, the tip mere centimeters away from touching the paper-

"Ohh, what's this? Are you writing another story about us?"

You flinched, whisking your head over your shoulder as he glanced down at the notebook before you.

"Noooo, don't look!" You cried, leaning over your desk and covering the scattered papers with your hands and body.

The red-haired boy tilted his head to the side, confused. "Hm? Why not?"

"B-because I-it's private!"

He frowned. "Best friends don't have secrets."

"No, but sometimes there are certain boundaries not even best friends can cross."

"But I like your writing," He pouted, sitting crossed-legged against the edge of your bed.

"You do?" You asked, eyes widening before narrowing skeptically. "Wait, when have you ever read my writing?"

"When you give some to Yui, she'd give me some to me too," Ayato explained. "So can I read the story Miss future-famous-(y/n)? Please?" He beamed a wide, toothy grin.

You eyed him for a few moments before sighing, relenting and handing him some torn pages from the beginning. "Fine. Just stay quiet , all right?! I can't focus if you're making too much noise."

"Aye-Aye!" He chirped, taking the papers and plopped on his back bouncing slightly against the bed as he held the story above his eyes.

You turned back towards your desk, picking up your pen once more. Upon lowering it to write, the color drained from your face.
Oh no..! You thought, your eye twitching. I... I completely forgot what I was going to write!

You slumped dramatically against your desk, anime-style tears flowing down your cheeks, while Ayato remained blissfully oblivious.

"Uhh.. (y/n)?" The boy called.

"What," you mumbled miserably.

Ayato rolled himself upright. "I don't think the first thing a guy would notice about a girl would be her hair."

You lifted your head, glancing over your shoulder at him. "Huh?"

Ayato shrugged, holding the paper out to you. "I dunno. Probably if she was cute or not."

"Really?" You asked, taking the paper from him. "That does make sense..."

"Hey, is there anymore?"

You lifted a brow. "You already fi ished reading? That was 50 pages! Since when can you read so quickly?"

Ayato shrugged once more. "I don't know. I guess the more I read, the better  I got."

"Apparently," you replied under your breath. "Do you have any other tips?"

The boy pondered for a moment. "Uh... I don't think so."

You bit your lip, glancing to the paper on your desk. "Um..."

Ayato cocked his head to the side. "What? Is there more?"

"Well.. Um.." And embarrassed blush spread across your cheeks as you starred at the corner. "Ayato... How would a guy.. Kiss a girl?"

He squinted his eyes. "Huh?"

You shoved your notebook to his chest. "Ju-just read!" You huffed, your cheeks burning as you kept your face turned away from him.

Ayato blinked, taking the notebook and plopping back down against your bed.

You sat anxiously in your chair, twiddling your thumbs as your heart pounded against your chest. You'd only be able to write a kiss scene before your writer block hit, and if you couldn't even so that right, then how would you be able to write anything else?

A heavy silence reigned as you fidgeted nervously while Ayato read. You spared a quick glance, flashing your eyes to his face-his gaze was trained intently against the notbook, as though deeply analyzing each word.

You glanced away, and after what seemed an eternity, you saw movement out of the corner of your eye. You looked at him, only for your stomach drop when you saw him shaking his head.

"W-why are you shaking your head?" You asked uneasily, your hands clentching adsentmindedly.

"The girls part is fine, I guess, but you've got the guys part all wrong." Ayato said, returning the notebook to you.

You took it with shaky hands, holding it close to your chest. "Wrong? How is it wrong?" You asked quietly.

"Maybe some guys act like that, all lovey-dovey and shit, but I don't think the guy in your story would act like that."

You blinked. Well you had based the character off of Ayato. Maybe you romanticized the situation too much. "So what would a guy like that do?"

He placed a hand on his chin. "Hmm." After a few moments of contemplation, he snapped his fingers. "Here! I'll show ya!"

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