Chapter 6: The 'Helping' Starts Now (part 3/3)

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You whined, lifting your hips to meet his thrusting fingers. "Does it-ahh-matter?"

"Research for your book, right? Well?"

"I don't-mm- They both-ah- f-feel so-so good!" You screamed, arching your back against his chest as you hit your release.

You slumped against him, catching your breath as you came down from your high, your body shivering violently against him.

Ayato removed his fingers from between your legs, eyeing the sticky substance sliding down his fingers.

"Whoa," he muttered, eyes wide in a child-like awe as he pressed his fingers against each other.

You covered your flushed face, whining in embarrassment.

He stuck his fingers in his mouth and sucked them clean, releasing them with a small pop. You blushed as he licked up the side of his fingers, purring in satisfaction.

"So embarrassing..." You whispered.

"Why? You taste so good," Ayato replied, sucking once more before adding, "Oh! Did you want to try?"

You pushed away his hand, shaking your head vigorously. "Of course not!" You shifted off of him before turning to face him, meeting his curious gaze. "Ayato..." You placed your hand on his shoulders, batting your eyelashes low. "You've been very helpful."

He glanced at your tousled hair, flushed cheek and kiss-swollen lips, chuckling bashfully as he scratched his hair. "I guess."

Your lips ghosted over his cheeks, making his breath still in his throat as he swallowed.

"But..." You said, gently pushing him down against the mattress. "I think there's still a few more things I need to learn."

He blinked, his cheeks reddening as you slowly crawled over him, glancing from his mouth to his eyes before lowering your head and kissing him.

He stared with slightly wide eyes as you tilted your head and kissed him harder, your tongue licking his lower lip before slipping into his mouth. Your head sank into his hair and massaged it, causing Ayato's eyes to roll close as he met your kiss with equal fervor.

His fingers down the smooth skin of your back, the cold fingertips gliding over your back causing your back to arch higher. His hands continued down until the reached your ass, squeezing heartily and eliciting a moan from you.

You pulled away, pressing kisses down his neck and chest as you roll your hips against his. Ayato growled at the delicious friction, panting your name.

Your small hand ran over the hard muscles of his chest and abdomen, your tongue following soon after. You licked and kissed all over his torso, inwardly swooning at his body's immediate reaction to your touch.

"So warm," you giggled, pressing a kiss on one of the v-lines at his waist.

"F... Fuck.." He breathed, one eye closed as he pushed himself upright, leaning his shoulders against the headboard as his arms propped him up behind his back.

"Ayato," you said softly while your eyes are looking up at him as he tucked your hair behind your ear. "You'll tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, alright?"

His heart pounded faster, his body spiking up to an incredible temperature at the sultry look you were giving him. He swallowed, nodding slowly. "Yeah, of course.

You gave him a small smile, taking a soft breath before placing a finger inside the waistband of his boxers and pulling them down.

A small gasp escaping you at the sight. Its... So big...!

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