Chapter 5: The Helping Starts Now (2/3)

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... His hands massaged your ample chest, his calloused fingers creating delicious friction against your smootg , soft skin. He flicked his tongue repeatedly over your nipple before grazing gently with his teeth. His thumb ran over the rosy tip as you squirmed beneath him, your chest rising and falling in heavy pants as your hand lightly yanked his hair.


You bit your lip as his tongue traced a circle around your nipple. Your eyes squeezed tighter as his mouth sucked hard, sending dizzying sensations throughout your body.

You couldn't help all the sounds escaping you, the heat coiling in your belly or the painful desire pooling between your legs. Your body rolled against his, your hips rubbing repeatedly against his own as he continued sucking and fondling your breasts.

Suddenly Ayato retracted his mouth, making your eyes open slightly as you glanced down at him. His own eyes were closed, eyebrows drawn closely together as his face appeared to be struggling.

"(Y/n)...." He mumbled, his voice slightly hoarse. "You can't... ngh..."

His body felt even hotter to the touch as your hips continued grinding against his. He placed his hand at your waist, shoving you harder against him. You blushed when you felt a thick hardness against your thigh, your breath becoming more shallow as your own body grew unbearably hot.

Suddenly his mouth was pressed against yours, tongue swerving inside your mouth as you kissed him back just as fervently. His hands massaged your breasts, making you whimper as he wetly sucked your lower lip. He pulled away, groaning and burying his face in your neck.

"Ayato..." You whispered.

He goaned, pressing his hard body against your soft curves. "You smell so good," he growled, hand clutching your hip as he took deep breaths. "So good..."

You ran your hand up his toned arms before gliding your palms along his muscular back. Your lips pressed soft kisses against his neck, sucking his pulse point gently.

"(Y/n)..." He groaned, his voice low against your ear. Hooking his thumbs into your shorts, he murmured, "Can I...?"

You leaned back and nodded, kissing his cheek and playing with his hair as ha shimmied your shorts down your legs. Your teeth grazed his chin while you ran your palms along his chest, eliciting from boy boy above you. He swallowed, his breaths ragged as your fingers trailed around his pants, teasingly dipping the hem.

"We need to be equal, right?" You teased, smiling alluringly at him. He grinned upon seeing your natural confidence return to you as you kissed him, shucking his pants down his legs. Ayato kicked them off and to the floor, returning your kiss wholeheartedly.

When you both broke apart, both of you smiled at each other as Ayato leaned his forehead against yours, eyes closed with a cheery smile.

He kissed the corner of your lips before traveling down your neck and chest, loving the breathless calls of his name escaping your mouth. He trailed kisses down your stomach, his eyes flashing to your face to find your face turned, burying against your pillow.

"(Y/n)," he called, watching your eyes slightly open and glanced down at him. "Don't forget to watch."

You blushed as he tugged down your lacy panties off your legs. He sat upright and brought it to his nose, taking a deep whiff before releasing a satisfied sigh.

Your face flushed dark. "A-Ayato!" You chided.

"It smells so good." He replied, taking another whiff.

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