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A/n: This was rushed and I didn't have any idea what to write so here is some sad Drarry :P

Narrators P.O.V

Harry, making his usual pass by the Room of Requirement, sees on the Marauder's Map that Draco is in a bathroom one floor below with Moaning Myrtle.

"What is that Draco doing there with Myrtle?" he asked himself kind of jealous as he has been crushing on Draco for years.

Being the curious and not to mention jealous boy, he went to the bathroom.

Well, he was really shocked that he founds out Draco was sobbing quietly, 'Draco is.. Crying?' Harry was bewildered. Who knew the person who always makes Harry gets on his nerves is a softie.

Draco, was sobbing all because of the pressure of being a death eater and the fact that the dark lord has given him a special task. Which was, indeed to kill their headmaster, Dumbledore.

'Why.. Why did he choosed me?!' Draco mumbled. He was angry, sad, depressed and mostly frightened that what would the Dark Lord will do to his parents if he doesn't succed.

"I'M STILL A STUDENT FOR SALAZAR'S S-SAKE!" the pale blond boy wailed.

"Dra- Malfoy, um. Are you alright?" Harry asked with concern etched to his face.

Startled, quickly washed his face and grabbed his wand, getting ready to shoot a spell to the person.

"Crucio!" he yelled. Harry dodge it with another spell.

"P-please, I'm just trying to help-"
"Stay away from me, Potter!"

This has been going on about 5 minutes shooting spells, missed, dodged, hitted objects. In those 5 minutes, the sink broke, water is spilling everywhere and the toilet was flooded. Draco was shooting another spell at him.

Harry, defending himself, using the Half-Blood Prince's Sectumsempra spell, "Sectumsempra!" Harry casts the spell, not knowing what's the effects of it.

To his horror, it gashes Draco's face and chest, spilling his blood everywhere.

Moaning Myrtle had been screaming 'there's a murderer in the boys toilet! Help!' again and again.

"I-" Harry started. Trying to sink in the horror at what he had done to his crush.

Harry went to Draco and holds Draco as if he was a baby. "I- I'm so sorry Draco," he cried.

"W-why are you sorry f-for? I deserve this," the now, shining pale whitr face man said.

"N-no you don't deserve this. You are just a boy," the raven-black haired boy told Draco.

Not long after, Prof. Snape came in rushing and took care of Draco.

'Atleast he will be fine,' said Harry in a whisper that only he could hear.

-The End-

A/n: Idk what to write so- I hope you guys enjoyed it😅💚✨

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