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"I MEAN it would make sense," Emilia said to Tina and Artie while Mr. Schue was passing out sheet music. They were just talking about nonsense.

"Excuse me, this isn't the right key," Rachel said confused.

"No. It's actually the right key," Mr. Schue denied.

"No, no, this is the alto part," Rachel stated.

"Yep. Tina's doing the solo," Mr. Schue said. Tina perkerd up and smiled.

Emilia gave Tina a hug,"You're gonna do great."

"I'm sorry, there must be some sort of mix up. I thought I made it very clear that anything from "West Side Story" goes to me. Maria is my part! Natalie Wood was a Jew, you know. I've had a very deep, personal connection to this role since the age of one," Rachel told him.

"Well, I'm trying to shake things up a bit. Get us out of our boxes," Mr. Schue said.

"You're trying to punish me," Rachel said.

"I think you're being irrational," Mr. Schue told her.

"I think you're being unfair!" Rachel exclaimed.

"I think you're being unfair to Tina, who might have been happy about getting her first solo," Mr. Schue said pointing to Tina.

"Tina knows how much I respect her and I think she would agree with me that she's not ready for such an iconic role as Maria," Rachel stated.

"Wait... I'm a Jet?" Mercedes asked interrupting them.

Rachel then stormed out of the room.

"The more times she storms out of rehearsal, the less impact it has," Artie said.

"Congratulations, Tina. This is going well," Mr. Schue told her.

Emilia gives her another hug happy for her.


*the hallway*

"Good luck, Tina. I'll come back in like 30 minutes," Emilia told Tina.

"Ok, s- see you then," Tina said then went into the auditorium.

"Come on, Artie. What should we do?" Emilia asked.

"Do you want to get ice cream?" He asked.

"You're a genius! Let's go," Emilia exclaimed then rolled him her car.


"Honestly, I think it gonna be a good experience for Rachel. She always gets what she wants and finally someone gets a solo," Emilia said while licking her ice cream.

"Yeah, but what if she quits glee? Then we won't be able to go to sectionals," Artie said eating his ice cream.

"Well, then... I don't know. I never would of thought she'd go as far as quitting glee because she didn't get a solo," Emilia said then stopped in front of the auditorium doors.

Just in time Tina comes out looking upset.

"Hey, Tina. What's wrong?" Artie asked.

"I told Mr. Schue that h- he should give the s- solo to Rachel," Tina said.

"Why, Tina its your solo?" Emilia asked confused.

"Because I know that she will q- quit glee if i- I don't," Tina said.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better we got you ice cream!" Artie exclaimed.

"T-t- thanks guys."


*the choir room*

"Hey guys! Let's give a big Glee welcome to our three new members fresh off their big win on Friday night - Noah Puckerman, Matt Rutherford, and Mike Chang. Regionals, here we come!" Mr. Schue exclaims excited.

Emilia turns to Mercedes to give her a high five.

"Let's start today with "Tonight" from West Side Story," Mr. Schue said while looking a Rachel.

Emilia gives Tina a side hug.

"Tina, show us what you got," Mr. Schue said surprising Tina and Emilia.

Tina quickly goes to the front while Rachel leaves.

Emilia looks at Tina with a reassuring smile letting her know she can do this.


This episode didn't rlly have the glee club in it so I just added some random stuff this is like one of the shortest chapters sorry

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