❧𝟏𝟐. 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝

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Huening Kai stared at himself in the mirror fixing his hair whilst Soobin whined outside. It was actually very early for both of them, Huening Kai was going to go and accept the girl's offer all by himself but Soobin insisted he should go too. So as Kai took his time, Soobin complained about him being late.

"Kai get out of there!!"
Soobin banged on the bathroom door.
Still, Kai ignored the other, smiling to himself.

"Did the clothes fit you?"
Soobin asked through the door.


"Then why are you taking so long! You'll be late!"

"A prince can never be late..."
Huening Kai teased.

"..everyone else is just early."
He said, fixing the final strand of hair Finally he finished, he opened the door in one quick motion surprising Soobin who was standing in front of it.
Soobin stared at the young boy who also looked at him curiously. The clothes Soobin had given him, suited him really well. He shook his head making any unimportant thoughts leave his mind.

"Here, it's a phone I don't use anymore. You can have it until you get a new one."
Soobin handed him the phone with a smile. It really wasn't that old, but since his parents had gotten him a new one just a few months ago, he didn't use this one and what a better way to put a still-working phone to use.

"Thank you."
Huening Kai took the phone and began exploring it, although he still didn't know how to work it, the fact he had one of these rectangular things that seem essential nowadays made him happy.

"You can call me if something happens, just press the green square."

"Call you?"
Huening Kai said very confused.

Soobin took out his own phone and began calling Huening kai's phone. The phone on Kai's hand started vibrating, scared he let it go.

"It's going to explode!"

"Huening Kai!"
Soobin groaned, picking the phone back up. He put it to Kai's ear and started talking.
Huening Kai was amazed he could hear him through the other phone.

"You see. Don't drop it."
Soobin demanded.

"How is this possible?"
Soobin just laughed at the boy's amazement, he didn't care to explain as for himself he didn't get it either. If you really sit and think about it, it's quite amazing how technology works.

"Anyway we need to go!"
Huening Kai rolled his eyes as Soobin dragged him out of the house.


They walked into the coffee shop quietly so they could surprise the girl.

Huening Kai waved, startling the girl.

"You came back!"
She smiled.

"I'm here to accept your offer."

She said excitedly. Both of the boys nodded. She was indeed cute, just as Huening Kai had told Soobin.

"That's great! Oh, by the way, my name is Yuna!"
She extended her arm towards Huening Kai, shaking it.

"I'm Huening Kai."
Soobin looked at both of them closely, it seemed like they would get along very well which calmed him. He was worried he'd get overwhelmed but Huening Kai was an extrovert after all.

"Huening I need to go now, take care at work!"
Soobin bowed goodbye and walked out the door. He didn't leave yet though, he watched from a distance through the glass.

"You two are conjoined by the hip aren't you?"
Yuna stated. Huening Kai didn't say anything, he didn't understand at all what she was saying.

"It's cute, I know it's not my business but are you two together?"
Yuna asked.

"Nope. We're just friends."
He said bitterly.

"I see... you're not from here are you?"

"Uh no, I'm from...America?"

"Seems right."
Yuna said, she didn't doubt his word. He had some exotic features and a way of talking that made him seem like a foreigner.

Soobin observed out front as the two talked. He obviously couldn't understand what they were saying. Now Soobin would have to go to school without someone. Of course he had his friends but he was getting used to Huening Kai's presence always around him, he missed the boy. Soobin studied the boy, his face was quite uncommon, not in a bad way more so, you couldn't find anyone else like him in Korea. He had high cheekbones that were rosy, maybe from the cold or maybe not. One thing Soobin liked the most were his eyes, multiple eyelids in an almond shape, quite charming. Soobin sighed, he was worried, like leaving a small child alone for the first time.
Nevertheless, he walked away, It was a cold day today, he didn't feel how cold it really was until he left Huening Kai.

"We should take a picture huening and upload it to Instagram!"
Yuna exclaimed. This was a good idea, this way costumers would see the new handsome employee.

"A picture...I don't really know how to do that."
Huening Kai laughed awkwardly.

"Just do this and smile."
Yuna suggested, showing a peace sign with her hands.
She pulled out her phone and put it in front of Kai.

"Go next to the piano."
Huening Kai nodded, doing what Yuna has said. This was weird for him, how did pictures even happen. He awkwardly posed waiting for something to happen.

"I like it! Come see."
She showed Huening Kai her phone and there it was, just like a mirror, the phone had captured exactly what Huening Kai had been doing.

"Wow! How did you do this? Are you a magician?"
Yuna laughed at Huening Kai's comment, she found it cute.

"I'm a great photographer right!"
Huening Kai nodded, were magicians now called photographers now? He was truly amazed, he must do it too.
Kai searched through his phone, struggling to even turn it on.

"Do you want a picture too?"
Before Kai said anything, she snatched his phone and went to the camera.
He posed once again, this time more relaxed, he could see himself and Yuna on the phone. She's the only one who can do it, he thought.

Not too long later, people started coming in, a lot of people, many, many people. So many that there was a line outside. They weren't here for just coffee and pastries but to watch the boy they've seen on the picture play the piano.
Guys and girls seemed to be mesmerized by the boy, the wouldn't take his eyes off of him. Many asked to also take pictures with him and Huening Kai did so gladly. Everyone seemed to be magicians or was he the only one who couldn't work a phone. The coffee shop turned into some sort of fan meeting. This worried Kai a little, would this be a problem?


Hellooo. I havent updated in so long because ive been super busy with school but ill try update the next chapters as soon as possible. ALSO TXT IS HAVING A COMEBACK ON OCTOBER 26!!!!!! ALSO THIS!


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