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The Lucky Bloke was starting to fall victim to Post-it's plans. The Lucky Bloke was losing his business to one of his most trusted employees, and he was not aware of it. He was thinking about how everything was going wrong and that he was losing money by the second. The Lucky Bloke was not one to blast everyone with insults, and he noticed he had been doing that. Meanwhile, Post-it was just sitting there, laid back as always, sitting off to the side as his business was completely falling apart. Post-it was suspicious, and the Lucky Bloke was trying to find a compelling argument to pose toward Post-it, and then end it off by firing him, and he spent days molding it together. In that time, the Lucky Bloke had officially connected the dots and he completely knew that Post-it was responsible for all of the hiccups that the business was experiencing. The Lucky Bloke left him alone though, as Post-it had almost won the battle, but the war was edging toward the Lucky Bloke. Post-it was conducting his mischief without any resistance. The Lucky Bloke had installed the required security measures since he had learned about Post-it's betrayal. He inspected Post-it's actions, taking notes about the methods he would use if he tried to object the Lucky Bloke's argument, and how the Lucky Bloke would defend himself and counter the attacks. In terms of defense and preparation, the Lucky Bloke was at the top of the world once again, as he soon would be in terms of economy. 

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