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I'm not afraid,
My head is held high,
My strides are long,
My presence calms even the wildest living,
I'm not proud,
For I always stand my ground,
Even amidst a crowd,
I could be spotted in a second,
I dare the waves to come my way,
I'm the last water bender of my kind,
Maybe because of my past I'm that kind,
Or maybe I was born with it,
So fellow here I tell you,
You are capable too,
Walk like it's more than a dare,
Speak and leave the audience shook,
For you are the universe and a lot more,
Endless galaxies you see every night,
They make up every atom of your might,
You are the universe in ecstatic motion,
Time is only an illusion,
The past,present and future are all here,
The choices are lingering in there,
Wear the crown of your power,
You are here to reincarnate and become your dreams,
Manifest the need of your realms,
It's all simple,
The universe has got you,
But you have to get you first.

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