Kitchen Chaos

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You arrived at Mya and Eric's house exactly at 10 am and rang the doorbell. Most of the time you would just ring the bell and walk-in but you decided to let Eric open the door for you.

"Good morning," Eric said tiredly while holding the door open for you.

"Did you just wake up?" You noticed his messy hair that spiked up in different places, it was cute you thought.

"Surprised you could tell." You handed him the plate of peanut butter cookies you had made last night. "Wow, thank you." He looked stunned for a second and then continued. "You didn't have to."

"You seemed to be having a hard day yesterday, plus we need snacks for the day." You both smiled and walked to the living room. "Is Mya still here?" You asked.

"No she left around 9. she mentioned staying the night there too." He said closing the door.

"Oh okay." You said, a little disappointed she hadn't said anything to you about it. "Well let's begin." You walked over to the living room coffee table and set up your stuff there.

"Wouldn't the kitchen table work better?" Eric asked.

"I like sitting on the floor." You said sweetly, he didn't say anything only walking into the kitchen to grab his materials.

A few hours later you started to get hungry and decided to make yourself some food. You got up from your spot on the ground and headed over to the kitchen.

"Do you want anything or want me to make you something?" Eric looked up from his work and walked over to the kitchen as well.

"What do we have?" Eric opened the fridge and began looking around, you gazed past his head trying to find something yourself. After a while of looking, you decided to look through his cabinets.

"What if I make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?" You suggested. "Mya says she doesn't like mine but I just don't think she's ever had a good one before." You both laughed lightly.

"Sure." Eric closed the fridge door and sat down on the stools surrounding the kitchen island, one of you on each side.

You walked over to the fridge and grabbed the bread on the lowest shelf, realizing that your ass was up in the air, a perfect view for Eric. You stood still just for a second longer and decided to look directly at Eric when you got up, to your surprise Eric was staring at your ass but quickly looked away once he saw you looking. Blood quickly rushed to both of your faces and you turned away grabbing the jelly from the fridge.

As you reached into a cabinet for the peanut butter you decided to let your shirt lift and reveal some skin. Once you turned back around you slowly tucked the front of the shirt into your jeans, lightly licking your lips. You slowly raised your eyes to Eric's who swallowed nervously.

"So um," he hesitated for a moment then cleared his throat. "How have you been?" You were a little disappointed at the question but went on with it anyway.

You began making the sandwich as you two made small talk, once you finished the sandwich you handed it over to Eric and began making your sandwich.

"You should let me make yours." Eric insisted. You looked up and smiled.

"Looking for a competition?" You giggled.

"Why not." He shrugged with a smile on his face, he got up and you sat down in his chair. As he made the sandwich you couldn't help but look at his hands, so large and veiny you thought. STOP! You told yourself. You looked back up at Eric who most likely thought you were looking at the sandwich but little did he know-

"Here you go." He slid it over the counter and you moved over a seat to let him have his original spot back. "You didn't have to do that Y/N." He said.

"No, no, I took it, don't worry." You took a bite of his sandwich as he sat down next to you. "For being a pb and j this is pretty good." He smiled and took a bite of yours.

"Not bad yourself." He smiled, he had a small spot of jelly on the corner of his mouth, you stared and he quickly licked it off. You looked up at his eyes again.

"Okay now give me my sandwich." You said.

"What?" You took the sandwich out of his hand and took a bite. You gave him the sandwich he had made you and encouraged him to take a bite as well.

"It's just a bite." You said. His face seemed nervous but he took a bite anyway. "Now who made the better sandwich?" You asked raising your eyebrows.

"I mean I'm pretty biased but I think mine's better." You opened your mouth and looked surprised.

"Eric, I didn't take you for a liar." You took his sandwich back and ate it again, biting directly into the spot he had taken a bite out of. He smiled at you and you smiled back.

"Yours is good don't get me wrong but mine is just better." He continued.

"Whatever." You said and rolled your eyes sarcastically.

After you finished your sandwiches you both went back to the coffee table and began working again.

You didn't take a break until Eric's mom came home from work.

"Y/N." She said walking through the door with a grocery bag around her arm, you looked up at her. "What are you doing here?" She looked suspiciously at Eric and then back at you.

"We're partners for the AP psychology project, you know the one Mya left for?" Eric said.

"Oh okay, I thought-" She began but didn't finish her sentence but you and Eric quickly looked away as your faces grew red. "Well I'm making lasagna for dinner is that okay with you two?" She asked and set down her bag of groceries on the kitchen island.

"Yeah, sounds wonderful. I can help as well." You offered. "Plus it would be a nice brain break." You laughed lightly.

"Yeah, I would love that!" You sat up and walked over to the kitchen. "Here," she set out the noodles. "Could you start some water for the noodles and start the sauce?"

"Yeah, of course." You began working on dinner with occasional glances at Eric as he worked on the project.

"Eric, could you help Y/N with the lasagna?" His mom asked. Eric got up and walked over to where you were working. You both looked at each other for a moment and began adding noodles and the sauce. You had made a steady pace while doing it until you had trouble getting the last of the sauce out. Eric sensed your struggle.

Eric walked behind you and grabbed the pan you were pouring from and told you to scrape out the sauce. You barely heard anything he was saying because of how close your bodies were pressed against each other.

You could feel the heat radiate off of Eric's body and occasionally the soft touch of his shirt. You felt heat pour over your body, you were able to keep yourself up even though the weakness in your knees screamed at you. You quickly scraped the sauce on top of the noodles, once you finished scraping he took the pan from you and walked over to the sink. You looked at him but he hadn't noticed you looking. It felt weird and wrong but you couldn't fight the butterflies in your stomach.

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