Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

3 days ago...

Emma did not trust anybody who said that high school was the best time of their life.

To her high school meant pressure, anxiety, loneliness, and never-ending homework.

She was hardly ever noticed, and she liked it that way. She walked through the hallways with her head down, she didn't talk to people unless she had to or unless they initiated the conversation first. She preferred it that way. The fewer people she got attached to, the fewer chances that she would get hurt.

Besides, she didn't have time to make friends. All of her focus went on working to be able to keep the lights on and to pay for her mom's medical bills. In a way, she did sort of have "friends". Although her friends seemed more like acquaintances, people who she would eat lunch with and talk to during school. It's not like they were close or anything, they never talked about their personal life with one another, they only talked about school and their classes, Emma didn't even have any of their phone numbers. Once the bell that signaled that school was over rang, they pretty much became strangers again. But they did what most couldn't, they accepted her. For her, that was enough.

So here she was walking to school on what seemed to be a normal day. But it wasn't, actually, it was quite the opposite. Today could easily be one of the most important days in Emma's high school experience. Today was the fall party. Every year the most popular group of kids in their school would hold a party that everyone was invited to. But like every other year, she was just going to ignore it and do what she usually did every time school ended. Work. Earning money for the well being of her and her mom meant more to her than attending a party.

When she reaches the side of her school, she stops to put her earphones and book into her backpack. She rotates her body to the side so that she could grab her backpack and face it towards her. Something catches Emma's eye, a guy was staring at her from one of the hidden corners by the side of her school. The moment he realizes that he's been noticed by her, he immediately tries to act casual and walks back into the hidden corner.

"What was that about?" Emma quietly whispers to herself. She could not dwell upon the guy any longer for the school bell rang.

"Shit! I'm late for class" she frustratedly mumbles to herself. She starts speed walking to her class, passing other seniors who couldn't care less.

On her way to class, she passes by Ava, one of her acquaintances.

"Hey, are you going to the party after school today?" Ava says while scrolling through her phone, not making eye contact.

"I don't know... It's just that I have to work after school today"

"Come on, you always have work." She whines.

"Yeah, that's sort of why it's called work," Emma says while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Seriously come on," she continues to whine. "Today's one of the most important days of our high school lives and-"

Before she could finish her sentence the tardy bell rings.

"Would you look at that, I'm late for class." She says awkwardly trying to escape the conversation.

She starts speed walking to class. Not looking back.

"Hey! Don't think that this conversation is over!" Ava yells.

"Bye Ava, see you at lunch!" she says still refusing to look back.

She finally arrives to class. Emma thought that luck was finally on her side, for she somehow managed to escape Ava's pestering. That soon changed when her math teacher, Ms. Jones stops in front of her right as she is about to walk in and blocks her from entering the class.

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