Chapter 17

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Tony: I don't know why I'm texting you this, but I just went to Peter's room because it's 2 am and I always check on him before I go to bed, and when he wasn't there I panicked for a moment before realizing he's with you and...I don't know where I'm going with this.

May: Welcome to being a parent, Tony.

Tony: I'm not, though.

Tony: A parent, I mean.

May: We both know that's not true.

Tony: He's not mine, though.

May: He's just as much mine as he is yours at this point. I know as well as anyone that family doesn't always mean blood.

Tony: You don't have to say that.

May: I'm saying it because it's true. And it's actually nice to co-parent again.

May: Shit. Now I'm sounding like a weirdo.

May: You know what I meant.

Tony: You're being really nice about my 2 am texting frenzy. Thank you for humoring me.

May: He's fine, by the way. Made him do extra treatments and got the wheezing to stop around noon.

Tony: I know. Thank you, May.

Tony: For always humoring my weird texts and forcing meds on spider boy. He's been finnicky about extra treatments and it's starting to give me gray hair.

May: That's what hair dye is for. And I'm the one who should be thanking you a million times over for making sure Peter's got everything he needs right now.

Tony: He's a good kid.

May: He is. And you're a good father figure.

Tony: I'm not.

May: Take the compliment, Stark.

Tony: Yes, Parker.

May: You know that I wish I could have been there for everything.

Tony: Never doubted that for even a second. You know that.

May: Still, I appreciate everything you and Pepper have done for us.

Tony: Hey, it's what family is for, right? ;)

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