chapter 6 - the tri-wizard cup

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when i finally woke up, there seemed to be some sort of event going on. students were running round excitedly. "the tri-wizard tournemant!" i heard people whispering. i had no idea what any of it meant.

i noticed hermione was awake and she looked unfazed and rather annoyed by it all. i asked her what was going on. "the tri-wizard tournemant," she explained "our two rival schools, beauxbatons and durmstrang, will be coming here. two people from each school will be picked to compete in 3 extremely dangerous tasks. so many people have died doing it. i don't know why they keep it on. the winning school gets the tri-wizard cup, an ultimate honour. people this year are excited because it's being held right here in hogwarts and there is no longer an age requirement. only first and second years can't participate. i think it's all stupid."

(please note that this is my own version and will not have all the same details as the harry potter books!! <3)

"how do i volunteer?" i asked her inquisitively. "don't tell me you're thin long of doing it?!" hermione asked, shocked. "well, maybe. it might be fun." i shrugged. she shook her head incredulously. i'd really changed a lot since last year.

i went downstairs to see all the excitement. the two other schools had already arrived and dumbledore was unveiling a huge blue cup. it really was magnificent. "anyone apart from the first and second years may volunteer. but be warned! many people have died in this tournament. it is dangerous and once you have been picked there is NO turning back!" shouted dumbledore, his expression grave for once.

there was a round of whispers. i nudged harry. "i'm gonna volunteer."
"me too." he replied. we both grinned. we were such idiots sometimes. i embraced him in a tight hug.

i looked over at the stupid potter boy and that idiotic halton girl. stupid lovebirds. i couldn't help but feel a little jealous but i pushed the thought away. me? jealous? of him? no way.

i noticed them both writing down their names and throwing them in the cup. right. 3 can play at that game. i scrawled down my name on a piece of parchment and walked towards the cup.

i felt pansy tugging at my cloak. stupid girl. "you're not really volunteering are you drakie?" she said, looking at me pleadingly. i kicked her and walked away. annoying little twat.

throwing my name in the cup, i turned round and shot a triumphant look at potter. he didn't even notice. i don't know what it was about that girl but something about her made me feel something different and i didn't like it.

stupid holton. what does she know anyway.

i caught malfoy staring at me. he was really starting to get on my nerves. all we ever do is fight. it's been 4 months since i came to this school and he's still being a prick to me.

but the odd thing was.. he almost looked.. jealous of harry. it was impossible. malfoy didn't like me and i didn't like him, and that was the way it would always be. suddenly he came up to us.

"sorry to interrupt your intimate couple moment but i need to speak to leah for a moment." draco smirked, looking daringly at harry.

"fine. make it quick." i said coldly to him. "bye harry," i then said cheerily, mainly to piss dr- i mean malfoy off. it worked. i could tell. his face flushed red and he glared at harry.

he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the empty corridor. "what do you want malfoy?" i said, annoyed. "nothing. i just want to talk to you." he said, smirking and shoving me. "you know what why don't you piss off malfoy? can't you let me be happy for one day without ruining it with your stupid hateful self?" i said, getting impatient now. for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"all you've done for these past months is make my life hell. can't you give it rest for a minute? just one fucking minute so that i can be happy for a little while? i know that's not what you want, you like seeing people in pain you sadistic prick, but can you let me enjoy this ONE day?" i snapped at him.

maybe i went too far but i didn't care. i was sick of him treating me like that. "i- no.. leah you've got me wrong i- i never meant to hurt you.. i'm-" but i pushed him away before he could finish his sentence. he tried to put a hand on my shoulder but i pushed it away. he almost looked hurt. almost.

i didn't know what more to do. i've even tried to.. apologise. i never apologise. this girl is doing things to me and i don't like it. i'm not soft. i decided to prove that.

"yeah? well fuck you. and your filthy muggle parents." i barked at her. she froze. fuck. i did it again. bloody hell draco, i know you don't want to be soft but this? this is too far.

i knew i'd gone too far. even as i said it i knew i was making a mistake. but i couldn't get too close to this girl. it's too dangerous. she a gryffindor mudblood. and anyway. she'll hate me by sixth year. i knew of my fathers plans and he intended on me joining him.

i shuddered and touched my forearm for a moment, thinking about the death mark that i despised so much that lay under my sleeve.

i turned my attention back to leah. i couldn't apologise again. no. i was draco malfoy. i took a step towards her to.. i don't know. i don't know what i was going to do. all of a sudden i wanted to kiss her, to hold her and never let go. to bury my face in her cascades of long dark hair.

but it was obvious that wasn't going to happen any time soon. she pushed me away. "just when i though you were a decent person for just a split second, you do something stupid. who are you, draco malfoy?" she snapped at me, and turned in the opposite direction towards the abandoned bathroom.

i turned and left, feeling hopeless.

i fucking hated that prick. i hated him so fucking much. i couldn't help but let a few salty tears roll down my face. how dare he easy things like that to me? who did he think he was?

&quot;fuck you, malfoy.&quot; (DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY-ALMOST FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now