chapter 55 - caught red handed

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i felt so stupid for stupefying draco but i didn't know what else to do. if i didn't i would've ended up having to tell him what blaise was doing, and my chances of getting away from that without at least a broken arm seemed very low.

i knew i'd have to deal with draco eventually. i couldn't keep running from him. but at least i'd bought myself some time to work out an excuse.

blaise was obviously not impressed about me turning up to the common room late, but he let it slide. he seemed tired. i counted myself lucky.

what he had said was that he would deal with me tomorrow, which i was terrified for. i didn't know what he planned on doing and i didn't want to know. the prospect of being alone again with an angry blaise petrified me, so much so that i couldn't sleep.

the next day he dragged me along to a corridor that nobody used. i was holding my breath the whole way there - what was he planning on doing? i just hoped to god that he wasn't too angry.

she stupefied me. she stupefied me. blaise was definitely doing something and i was determined to find out what.

so i followed them. i saw blaise dragging her along to an empty corridor and my heart dropped as i started to see where this was going to go.

i hid behind a pillar and watched on in case i had to interfere.

i don't know how to explain to you the irrepressible anger that began to boil in my stomach when i saw him hit her.

he was hitting her. my girl.

i launched forward to beat the shit out of him but found myself unable to move. shit! he must've seen me coming and stupefied me! all i could do was watch on as he beat her, the anger in my chest intensifying with each punch.

i knew he was hurting her. i knew he was doing something. but i never in a million years expected it to be this bad. i felt a tear roll down my cheek as anger surged through my body.

he was mercilessly punching her, leaving her totally defenceless. she was curled up on the floor, her hands held above her head, her cheeks stained with tears as she pitifully tried to protect herself.

finally the spell on me wore off and i leapt forward to drag blaise away from her.

i grabbed him by the neck and tried to tag him backwards but he was too fast for me. he whipped around, his wand pointed in my face.

"crucio." he hissed. i fell immediately to the floor, writhing in pain, feeling every bone in my body bend and twist. i attempted to get out my wand but the agonising pain that was surging through my veins was far too excruciating to even move.

i was used to this, of course - my father used the crucio curse often as a punishment. but this time it was different. leah was right in front of me, bruised and bloodied, and i had to do something.

i gasped in shock as i was released from the torturing curse. i looked up to see leah behind blaise, her arm around his neck.

he tried to twist around to hit at her but i had the upper hand this time. "expelliarmus!" i exclaimed, knocking him back.

"stupefy." i hissed, freezing him long enough to give me time to run to comfort leah.

i was still in shock. after i knew blaise was safely stupefied i fell back onto the floor in defeat. i could already feel the places in my body that were bruising and i couldn't move my left arm.

draco collapsed on the floor next to me, pulling me into a hug. "i'm so sorry." i whispered through my tears. "you have nothing to be sorry for." he whispered in reply, stroking my back which still hurt like hell.

the warmth of his breath on my neck and the feel of his cold, gentle hands on my back felt far more comforting than blaise's angry fists and i immediately relaxed.

"we should get you to the hospital wing." draco whispered to me.

"no, it's fine i'm-"

"no. we're going to the hospital wing."

he pulled me up and helped me walk to the hospital wing.

madame pomfrey shrieked in shock when she saw me. did i really look that bad?

"oh, my dear, what happened to you?"

i turned to draco for help but he was gone. i didn't know whether to tell her or not at first and ended up deciding against it. i knew draco would eventually make me tell mcgonagall but for now i would lie my way out of it.

after i knew leah was safe in the hospital wing, i set straight off to find blaise.

i found him in the same place i'd left him, still in shock.

"get up." i growled. he just stared up at me, like he knew this was the end for him.

"i said get up." i yanked his pathetic arse up off the ground and immediately knocked him back down again with a punch straight to the nose.

he tried to fight but i didn't let him. all the rage i had built up over what he'd done to leah was let out as i founded my fish harder and harder into his face, until my hand was stained red and he couldn't stand.

he tried to crawl away but i picked him back up by the collar. "i'm not done with you yet." i whispered into his ear before punching him directly in the stomach.

i knew i'd never be fully satisfied unless he was dead but i wasn't stupid enough to kill him, so eventually i just left him there, in a small puddle of his own blood, grunting and moaning about the injuries i had inflicted on him.

when draco entered the hospital wing again, he was covered in blood, but i could tell it wasn't his own from the bright red stains on his knuckles.

he sat down next to me, holding my hand in his. madame pomfrey had gone to get some sort of magical lotion for my wounds and bruises.

"hey. feeling any better?" he asked softly, absentmindedly rubbing his thumb over the top of my hand.

"yeah. i guess so."

it was quiet for a moment. "thank you."

he gave back a small smile and looked like he was about to say something else when madame pomfrey came back in holding a bottle that looked like it contained cat piss.

"well, my dear, i got the lotion and- good heavens mr malfoy what happened to you?"

she looked between us suspiciously; me, bruised and bloodied, and draco, with blood on his fists.

"hang on a minute, that's-"

"no, madame pomfrey. it wasn't him. he's the one that saved me."

she still narrowed her eyes for a moment. "mr malfoy, may i ask you to leave?"

he raised an eyebrow and gave me a reassuring look before leaving the hospital wing.

"now, dear, if he's hurting you, you don't have to be afraid of him-"

the thing she was suggesting was almost laughable. "no. it's not draco. it was someone else."

"who? well, i shall have them reported and expelled immediately. this behaviour can not and will not be tolerated in hogwarts."

"blaise zabini."

"fuck you, malfoy." (DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY-ALMOST FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now