Chapter 5: Percy's POV

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Hehe 1 week later after a couple geometry lessons. They do be kinda friends tho👉👈

"How are you able to skateboard so easily?"
I stopped and turned towards Annabeth.
"Aren't you supposed to be smart?"
"Very funny. How do you do it?"
"Its easy. I've been doing this since I was like 10."
"It looks hard."
"Boohoo." She stuck a tongue out at me.
"You should teach me sometime."
"Why in the world would I do that?"
"Cuz I'm helping you with geometry."

"But your helping with me with geometry cuz you ruined my face."
"No I'm doing this as charity work."
"Haha." I glared at her. She smirked and walked along.
"I guess I can teach you sometime. If I pass geometry."
"So what are we going over today Beth?"
"That's easy what else."
"Fine something a bit harder." She thought for a moment and smiled. "Transversals."
"Less hard."
She laughed. "Jeez you're hopeless. Let's just do something easy today so itll be less whining from you."
"I don't whine that much."

"Yea you do. Trust your teacher." She smirked.

I zoned out as she talked. Something about corresponding sides really messed with my ADHD. I looked at her as she talked. Her long curly blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail. Her grey eyes shined as she read. Her tan skin gleamed in the sunlight. For the first time I noticed how pretty she is.
"Percy!" I hadn't realized she was yelling at me.
"Were you even listening?" She raised her eyebrow.
"No." I admitted.
"You need to focus Seaweedbrain." She looked back down and started to read about angles and sides.

"Hey wait-"
"What?" She looked up from the textbook annoyed.
"What's with the nickname?"
"What I can't give you a nickname?" She smirked.
"No I mean- What's with Seaweedbrain? What kind of nickname is that?"
"Well your brain is full of seaweed obviously and it sounds much better than 'stupid' don't you think?" She smiled and looked back down at the textbook. "Plus you kind of look like a piece of seaweed."

"I'm kidding." She looked up at me again. "Now could we get back to work?"
"Not until I give you a better nickname . . . Bigbrain?"
She laughed. "Keep trying you'll get it." She joked. She started to read about angles and sides again.
I couldn't help but smile as she read. Something about her giving me a nickname made me happy. I didn't really understand why.

After another hour of studying annabeth had left and my mom came home.
We ate dinner while she talked about her day at work and Paul.
I didn't exactly listen. I was still thinking about my nickname from her. And the nickname I was gonna give her. It couldn't be something about her intelligence that wouldn't be much of an insult. Didn't she say her favorite animal was an owl? Owlgirl? Owlshit? Maybe Owlshit. 'Hey Owlshit!' I thought. No that sounds stupid. Who calls a girl Owlshit?

"You seem happy. What are you thinking about Perce?"
"N-nothing. Just a stupid nickname for Annabeth."
"Oh so you guys have nicknames now. How romantic." My mom laughed.
"Mom we're just friends. There's no way she would ever want to date someone like me. Not possible."
"You never know."
"Mom it's not like I could ever date her even if I wanted to. Dad hates her mom and her mom hates dad. We're supposed to be enemies."
"Yet you're best friends."
"Well I wouldn't say best friends-"
"Percy if you like her you should ask her out."
"Mom I don't like her. And she'd never say yes if I asked her."

"Oh so you thought about asking her then."
She threw her hands in the air in defense. "Fine I'll stop bugging you about it. She seems nice though. I mean you liked her before."
"I was 7."
"Still. Give it a chance. She may surprise you. Not all sworn enemy's have to be enemy's. Just because your dad and her mom hate each other doesn't mean you have to hate Annabeth. It just means you might have to fight for her."

"That makes it sound like I'm in love with her, Mom."
My mom gave me a look like she was sure I was in love with her.

I wasn't in love with her?
Was I?

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