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So today is all about selkies and since I haven't seen that much info on them I thought I'd make a chapter for them. Let's start the folklore surrounding selkies started in Scotland where they were considered mythical being that were capable of therianthropy  which is the act of shifting into a creature so for selkies it was the ability to shift into a seal. Most are larger than the grey seal and are often associated with Merfolk due to the fact that they were half of an aquatic creature and half human. The actual story behind the folklore is quite sad. But I thought I'd tell it anyway usually a man will take a selkie's skin and she'll end up on a beach and will be forced to marry this man and have children and all through that she'll long for the ocean but eventually she'll return to the ocean leaving her beloved children behind. But back on a good note let's talk about a selkie's abilities so their main ability is obviously to be able to shift from seal to human but there isn't to much other info but I can infer that they have the ability to communicate with seals and they might have hydrokinesis but please don't take my word for it because I don't want to give you false information. There is some more information in general about selkies that I might put in a different chapter. But for now I'm gonna put some links for some subs to become a selkie for anyone who might be interested.

(I could unfortunately only find one sub which Is disappointing but I'm sure you can find other methods if you think that subs aren't right for you)

Goodbye for now!

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