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So this chapter was requested by Mythicallife15 . Let's start so we all know vampires as really good looking people with heightened senses that live on forever or at least that's the stereotype. But there is a lot more to them than that. Folklore surrounding this creature began in Europe they were considered undead creatures that after death would come back and sort of haunt people in a way they would cause mischief and even kill people but they were mostly known for their need for blood it was their only way to stay "alive". People came up with the theory that you could tell what a vampire looked like through its appearance which was wearing a lot of black and being unnaturally pale. In the 18th century things surrounding vampires became a lot more serious they started taking a start of Salem witch trials approach to the situation. They would take corpses that they thought were going to turn into a vampire and stake them and they would even accuse people of being a vampire. Now in  modern times like these vampires are only a thing of myth and are commonly used in video games and movies just as all other mythical creatures. Now there are a couple ways to become a vampire the two main ones are subs and spells there are of course others but those are less tested and aren't very well known by anyone and that includes rituals that mind you can be very dangerous and spells that involve a vampires blood...I'm not even going to get into that but if you're interested you can always do some research of your own or someone might have a book on it. Alright that's all for now.
Goodbye for now!
P.S.- I was going to link some subs but it won't work so...sorry about that I'll see if I can figure that out.

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