1- First Confession

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I stood by the front gate after school, this was where Sungjin and I would always meet when classes are over. He's older than me so we don't have the same classroom and he takes a little longer than I do to come out. It's been happening a lot more lately, I didn't mind it since I knew he was the type to work hard and finish a task when given. Today had been pretty stressful though, I didn't see him at lunch and when I went to his class to see what happened Younghyun told me Sungjin had left right when the bell rung. So it was more of a disappointing day rather than stressful.

Truth is, I actually really like Sungjin, he already knows I'm bi and has no problem with it at all. That day I came out to him, I wanted to tell him something else but I can't imagine that he would take the news of me liking him very well. You see, Sungjin doesn't 'swing that way' and if he did he said he would always come to me for help. I hope that he stuck to his words and would actually tell me if he ever feels confused. I know how confusing sexuality can be especially if people would hate on you for 'being that way', even though it is completely normal to love someone.

"Sorry I'm late," Sungjin said as he kneeled down to catch his breath. He looked very exhausted and his hair was very messy compared to how it was earlier this morning. His uniform was also wrinkled a bit, but that must be because he was running, right?

"What happened, another assignment?" I asked, there really shouldn't be any other reason for his tardiness but I still want to ask. Honestly I'm just really curious about what he was doing, I'm not sure if that is a bad thing though.He looked as if he was thinking about something, and when he opened his mouth to speak the words never came and he looked hesitant to tell me. "Are you okay?" I was a little worried about him, why was he so scared to tell me something. Is he really thinking about his sexuality, this isn't the location to speak of that so that wouldn't be it.

"I'm—I'm fine! Just uh...I need to tell you something but just not now," he looked nervous and I really thought that this might just be it. He truly must be thinking of his sexuality, but I am prepared to be completely wrong if that isn't it.

"That's okay, it doesn't matter anyways as long as your here now." It's best if I just not force him to talk about it. If he doesn't want to say anything then I'll leave if he till he's ready, 'cuz we're best friends and that most likely will never change between us. That is all we are... and I just don't really like it. I'll have more of a clear conscience if I confess and get rejected and still be friends then keep everything inside and feel like this forever. "I actually have something I've been wanting to tell you."

He stopped his walking to look down at me, "What is it?" He asked with concern. No need to be concern, this is just me giving myself a clear conscience and I'm sorry that you must be involved in it.

I took a deep breath and looked at him in the eyes, "I like you, as more than a best friend. I don't mind if you don't feel the same way, I just want to get this pushed aside and be friends still." His face was a little shocked, but then he gave me a soft smile, a very pretty soft smile.

"I'm sorry, I can't accept your feelings. We can and will still be best friends, but now I have something to tell you."

I waited patiently for him to speak when he was ready. I'm really happy we can still be friends after this, nothing that he will say would change that. It's great that we can talk to each other like this, it would only further out bond.

"I have a girlfriend."

He has a what— "I'm sorry?"



"You just said you were sorry, why?" He asked.

Uhh.... "It was just so unexpected I needed to hear it again to take it in." I said while laughing nervously, this was totally uncalled for. After my confession too, I don't really care whether he was already dating someone or not but I mean he didn't have to tell me after I told him my feelings. Maybe if he would tell me tomorrow or a week from now, but I guess it's just the way the cookie crumbles.

What a disappointing day it truly was.

It had only gotten worse from there on.

It was the next day, I waited for Sungjin in front of my house. He said he wanted to drive to school today and he would pick me up by car rather than we meet at our spot. Normally, we would meet at this corner where our ways to school connected, today though he didn't want to do our daily meet up. Which is fine, as long as it's just us. Every tradition has to change at some point, right? Not everything can stay the same for very long. Especially today.

He finally made it to my house, but as I was going to opene the door to the passenger seat, the window came down and I met eyes with a girl. This must be his girlfriend—wow—she's really pretty.

"Uh, hi.." I said awkwardly, what else should I say? I just told him my feelings and now I'm riding in a car with his girlfriend...great.

"Wonpil, you don't mind taking the back seat, right? This is Kyung-mi, she's my girlfriend."

Kyung-mi waves at me with a smile, why wasn't she talking? Maybe she doesn't like me, or does she just not like talking to people. I got inside the car and sighed, the ride was quiet, I find that surprising since their a new couple. I thought they would talk more.

I decided to just not say anything, I definitely don't know what to talk about with her here. It was all just too weird having someone else with us.

"Oh, Wonpil, Kyung-mi is deaf, she has a hearing aid on so if you don't know any sign she'd be able to understand you. Though, she told me she has some trouble when it comes to her speech and prefers to communicate through writing if you don't understand sign language." Sungjin explained.

That would explain her quietness, I guess she doesn't hate me, she just has some trouble speaking. Okay, I think could get used to that, this is Sungjin's girlfriend so I'd have no other choice but to accept her. "I'll keep that in mind, thank you, Kyung-mi, I hope we get along well." I smiled at her and she gave me a light nod. She seems nice, I already feel just a little more comfortable with her around. I guess knowing the fact that she didn't ignore me on purpose eased my tension a bit.

I'll have to remember that I need to bring a spare notebook with me to talk to her and maybe learn a bit of sign if I have the patience to and willpower. Learning a new form of language is honestly exhausting, I give props to Sungjin for trying. Before I got too lost in thought, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took it out and saw that Dowoon had texted me, I wonder what he needed to talk about that couldn't wait till lunch.

(Dowoon is in the same grade as Wonpil cuz he extra smart so he skipped a grade also cuz plot convenience)
I'm getting transferred to
ur class, they had gotten
my placement wrong
see u there ;)

That's great!
Can't wait to see u then

I feel a lot more content now, I have my best friend with me in class! At least now I won't have to walk around to pick up Dowoon from his class. Since Sungjin has his girlfriend now to hang with during lunch this shouldn't be a problem! This is great, everything seems to be just fine. I hope it will stay that way, at least until the year is done, I'd be fine with that.

That was me two years ago—and guess what—everything did not go so well that year, not until the very end at least. I'll let past me continue the story, let's just say, high school was the year of drama.

New book?
My very first
First person POV story?
Might change POV's?
I find first person a little difficult so it's a bit of a challenge.

Rejected, Accepted, Denied //Sungpil\\Where stories live. Discover now