Part 1 "Chamomile Tea"

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  I'm standing outside my balcony here in London, drinking my favorite Chamomile Tea. You might be wondering why i'm very fond of this tea, I could tell you the story about it but I'll save it for later. Despite the breezy and chilling evening, I still manage to go outside the balcony which I got used to because today marks my 2nd year here in London. I came here to finish my internship as an Architect in one of the largest company here and they might absorb me as their regular employee. While sipping my all-time favorite tea, memories kept flashing back in my head during my college year in Thailand. I could say that my 3rd year was the best part of my college year because it was the year where I met the responsible for my addiction to Chamomile Tea. It was past midnight when I went inside my room cause I need to wake up early morning. Tomorrow will be my last day as an Intern and they will announce if they will accept me as an employee or not. Then I fell asleep and dreamed about my 3rd year life in Thailand.

  Studying Architecture is exhausting and there will be a point that you will have a zero social life because of all the demands needed to submit, not included all the activities that our Faculty need to attend. I couldn't say that I'm smart like those gifted people, like Einstein but I could guarantee you that I'm above average. I'm in my 3rd year already and today is the 1st day of the semester so I need to wake up early and prepare for my morning class since the parking lot in the Uni will be full.

  I reached the uni at 7am and there are already cars parked. Luckily I got one that's near the entrance of our faculty. On my way on our building, someone's shouting my name while running and I could identify that unique voice that's why I stopped and waited for him. His voice is like a boy trap in a man's body and the owner that voice is Somchai. we've been friends since high-school and we are on the same faculty.

  "CHRRRRIIIISSS!" Well, maybe you are wondering why my name is in English. My Dad is British and my Mom is Thai, that's reason as well why my Physical attributes is different from the others. One different attribute is my skin color and height

  He was shouting like his lungs were going to explode. When he reached me, I could see all the water from his body is coming out from his skin even though he was running for only 200mtrs. Somchai is not fat. In fact, he is a bit skinny with a height of 5'8 and he is a person who have a huge appetite but too lazy to workout that's why he get tired easily. Did I forget to tell that he is a GENIUS? He could A's all the subject without even trying and he's even our Valedictorian during our High School year. I bet he will be our Top-notcher in our batch.

"What do you want" I replied.
"Let's have breakfast we still have 1hr"
"WHAT? you are shouting just to say that?" somehow I was irritated when someone is shouting my name in public. I don't know why but I hate it.
"Sorrrryyy na! I'm hungry you know what happen if I skip my meal"
"Yeah, Yeah!" He can't concentrate in classes if he's hungry that's why he would always bring snacks in class and somehow our professors got used to it.

We reached the cafeteria and there are few students having their breakfast already but there is this person who caught my attention. A guy from Culinary Arts Faculty (this faculty is just new in the University it was the former Home economics Faculty and they upgraded it to  Culinary arts Faculty). Even from afar, I could see him clearly because of his height. I'm sure that we have the same height and I could tell that he is a good-looking person with tan skin, prominent nose, and lean body. But I hate them (that guy and the others) because you would always hear them complain about the foods being served in the cafeteria and what I hate most is that both our faculty share the same cafeteria.

After we get our food, Somchai decided to sit next to those Culinary students because that is the only available sit near the fan. I was sitting next to this culinary guy and to my surprise, unlike his other friends who keep complaining, he is just quiet and reading some culinary books and all of those books are Thai Recipes. While they are talking, I found out his name. He is 'Tad' meaning "Gift given by God", a name that suits his physique. And he is drinking CHAMOMILE TEA on a humid morning.

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