chapter fifty-six ° one down, one to go

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^^ Edmund on top!!

∘◦ ⛧ミ ◦∘

'-But in all chaos there is calculation..'
- Unknown

AN // The following chapters contain scenes that may contain certain gory details that some parts of the audience are uncomfortable with. Readers to proceed with discretion.

TW // Death

Edmund's pov


I looked up from the map before me, humming as Saiki crossed the room to get to my desk. He peeked over my shoulder, assessing the divisions I'd made for the ambush before turning to me, "We're ready to leave."

With another hum, I wrapped everything up and tucked them away safely before following Saiki out of the study heading downstairs to the backyard where everybody was prepped and ready to leave. My eyes immediately found Viktor's tense form as he stood all way to the side with Itsuki's distressed family. I could see Erina grow agitated from afar, her jaw clenching in anger and I quickly jogged over to them before anybody got violent because speaking from experience, she packs a mean punch.

Father used to make me spar with her when I was younger and I've gotten several black eyes from her, not to mention countless sprained wrists and ankles. She's hardcore when she needs to be, which is probably why she was the beta before Saiki. Looking at her, I could definitely see where Itsuki got his feisty side from. He may look tiny but his punches can make you see Jesus if he puts all his strength into it. There's a lot of hidden core strength in that 5'4" body of his.

"Everything alright?" I stepped in, looking between a clearly pissed off Erina and a distressed Viktor. "I want in. I wanna come with you guys to get Suki." She grit out but I immediately shook my head, "Absolutely not." "And why not? That's my fucking son! I'm not just sitting around while all 3 of my kids are out there." She threw her hands up in frustration but I stood my ground.

"Erina you're an incredible fighter, there's no denying that. But, we need you here to hold the fort. You, dad, Maxim, and the older fighters are gonna be staying here in case our information is wrong because we're taking most warriors with us. You're the one person I expect nothing to get past so please, stay here." I plead, watching as her features harden a little before her shoulders drop and she nods with a heavy sigh.

"Fine. But I expect updates. I don't care if you think it's insignificant, I want to know everything that's happening." She presses firmly and I nod quickly, "100%. I'll keep you posted with everything." With reluctance, she steps behind her wife's wheelchair, letting Aylin lace their fingers together.

"Please bring my baby boy home." Was all the latter says, her voice soft and frail and she looks close to tears. I crouch before her, holding her trembling hand in my own before giving it a reassuring squeeze, "We'll bring Suki back, no matter what. I promise."

Giving her hand one last squeeze, I pushed myself up and nodded at Viktor to follow me to where the rest of the warriors were. "You alright?" I asked softly, glancing at him out of the corner of my eye but he forced a stiff nod before speed walking ahead, leaving me to follow after him with a sigh.

He'd been extremely quiet and unresponsive since his nightmare last night. He wouldn't talk about what it was about but from the way he cried and is reacting now, I was sure it was about Itsuki.

I jogged over to join him, stripping and shifting before stretching my sore limbs. I gently nudged Viktor, grooming him to get his attention but he remained looking forward, not even sparing me a glance.

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