epilogue : and, commence.

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I watched as he stood by them, my blood boiling at the mere sight of him laughing with those...those mutts. How dare he go to them, how....dare he let himself fall prey to those pathetic alphas when I could give him all that he wanted and so much more.

But then again, you can never be too certain with men like them. Maybe they brainwashed my precious pearl into thinking they genuinely loved him. Tch. They could never love him more than I do; I would bring him the moon and stars, all he had to do was ask of it. I would bring the world to his feet if given the command but all I asked was for him to be my side yet these pathetic idiots had to interfere.

All that progress, all that hard work I'd put in these months now gone to waste because of these pathetic alphas.

"Hey, you alright? You don't look too well." The omega asked, laying his disgusting hand on me but I shrugged it off, "Don't touch me." I glared at the miserable excuse of a wolf, turning on my heel as I stormed out of the busy hall. Of course, no one would notice my absence, they were too busy fawning over their new alphas and luna. How absolutely revolting.

Bitter jealousy brewed in me, swirling like a tempest of angst and abhorrence, and it only grew stronger the farther I walked from the hall. I trudge deep into the woods, briefly glancing over my shoulder to find bright fireworks being set off from the pack, and I clickd my tongue in revulsion. Look at these idiots, celebrating the succession of one incompetent leader by another. They were all the same. Mindless deludes that held no goal in life other than to gain power. Narcissistic men like these did not deserve mates like my precious pearl.

Stepping into foreign territory, I traced my steps to a familiar stream. This was it, I've had enough of these people and now it was time to take matters into my own hands. Pulling my phone out, I tapped against a frequently contacted number before pressing it to my ear, "Hello? Yes, it's time."

My beautiful flower...My Itsuki...I'll get you out of there my love, soon. Wait for me...

act one fin.

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