epilogue: we're gonna be alright

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^^ Our trio on top!!
They look so...hot oh my godlskdkfgbv

∘◦ ⛧ミ ◦∘

'-Roses lose their petals but bloom again..'

1 year later

Third-person pov

A chorus of giddy laughter echoed across the vast expanse of the pack backyard. The giggles of the pups meddled with the happy shouts and sounds of exclamations from their parents as families scattered across the grassy area, having a little picnic of theirs.

Far from the jubilant crowd and perched on the porch steps was their sombre luna.

Itsuki sat curled on the wooden steps, his knees tucked close to his chest with his arms circled around them and head leaning against the wood beam. Where the breezy October afternoon seemed to be just the perfect day for the pack families, it served as a bitter reminder for Itsuki. A blow in his face that he might perhaps never have what they did.

Itsuki watched as the little pups run over to their parents in a fit of giggles, the sight making his chest tighten with sorrow as his hand brushed against his stomach. He missed the curve and weight, especially after he'd been so ruthlessly robbed of both.

His eyes followed his elder sister who picked up her son, tossing her in the air before they met in a fit of giddy laughter. "Again!" He heard his nephew shout before Izumi repeated the action, this time ending with her nose rubbing against his cheek as she gave him a raspberry. This incited a squeal from the young boy and Itsuki curled further within himself.

He wanted that more than anything. More than life itself. He wanted a family, little pups of his own running around. He yearned for the familiar weight, the comfort that came with the little pitter-patter of his pup's heartbeat.

But he couldn't. Not because it was physically possible to do so, no, but because the void in him now dictated everything he did. It had been exactly year yet Itsuki couldn't find it in him to let anybody see him in a vulnerable position. All the confidence he'd once gained for his body was now gone, locked away in a safe. Never to be seen.

It had been an year yet Itsuki still felt violated every time somebody saw even the slightest inch of his skin. He wouldn't even let Edmund and Viktor look at him when he changed or showered, much less touch him.

The revulsion he had was too overwhelming and it only brewed and fed into the existing abhorrence he held for his own existence.

Edmund and Viktor truly went above and beyond to make sure Itsuki knew just how beautiful he was, and that he was loved but Itsuki knew that before he allowed himself to believe their words, he had to accept himself first.

He wanted to be better. Better for his mates, better for his family, his pack, and everybody else, and though he'd definitely grown past wanting to hurt himself every living moment, there were still times where he'd feel bile rise up his throat every time he'd catch so much as a glimpse of himself in the mirror.

He was trying, though. He was trying for his mates' and for everybody's sake, and even if he knew he had a long way to go, he was trying. Baby steps and one day at a time.

"Suki!" A voice cheered and Itsuki raised his head, finding Edmund grinning from ear to ear as he jogged over to where he sat.

"I'm so happy you came." He chirped happily and Itsuki forced a small smile onto his lips, "I didn't want to miss your birthday," he answered softly, frowning when Edmund held out his hand for him.

"I'll just sit here. You guys should go ahead with the cake cutting without me. I don't wanna dampen the mood..." He whispered, pulling away a little but Edmund slipped his hand under his, lacing their fingers as he gently pulled Itsuki to his feet despite the soft protests that spilt from the brunet.

"No, can't do. Gotta have the wifey with me." Edmund grinned, curling an arm under Itsuki's knees as he effortlessly lift him in his arms. "Edmund put me down, I'm heavy." Itsuki frowned, not wanting to draw any attention but his blond mate only tut as he carried him over to where Viktor awaited them, his face lighting up at the sight of his smaller mate.

"Hi princess, I'm so glad you could make it!!" He greet Itsuki with a tender kiss pressed to his temple. "Hi," Itsuki mumbled back, giving Viktor's hand a timid squeeze as he tried to muster a smile for his sake. The appearance of a soft dimple made both his mates beam like kids in a candy shop.

Edmund's arms reached around Itsuki's waist as he picked up the plastic knife to cut the cake. An incoherent chorus of what was supposed to be 'Happy Birthday' surrounded the pair and Edmund finally cut into the cake. Itsuki tried his best to join in, even if his singing was likely the softest sound and easily overpowered by Viktor and Saiki's silly bellowing.

Edmund heard him though, and the fact that he was willing to try for his sake made his chest swell with happiness as he raised a piece of cake to Itsuki's lips. "It's red velvet, your favourite~" He grinned, feeling like a hundred bucks when he was rewarded with a shy smile and a faint blush.

Itsuki nibbled a bite, raising the rest of it to Edmund's lips who preened under the attention.

Soon after the cake was distributed and the pups were fed, Itsuki found himself once again being drawn over to the porch steps and his mates followed suit, wanting to make most of the day they'd gotten to spend together after so long.

The brunet had locked himself away since his return. He didn't seem to want to indulge in anything he enjoyed prior, especially family events. In fact, he'd spent his own birthday locked up in his art room, barely making an appearance until it was time for dinner.

Edmund was convinced his birthday was going to be spent that way as well but Viktor suggested that having a simple celebration as they'd had the previous years might draw the boy out. There was doubt at first, whether Itsuki would even consider leaving the house. But when he did and Edmund first saw him on the porch steps, he couldn't have been happier.

He was aware of how taxing something as simple as leaving the bed in the morning seemed to be for his grieving mate, and so he greatly appreciated him putting in the effort despite his evident discomfort.

He trailed after his mate, only to chuckle in amusement when a certain tiny blond stepped in before him. "Uki play!!" Dior cheered, very persistently tugging on the hem of his shirt. Itsuki crouched to his level, "Uki's a little tired, baby. Maybe next time?" He offered with a small smile but the toddler shook his head, chubby fingers grabbing onto Itsuki's shirt as he pulled him to over to the rest of his friends despite his complains.

Itsuki looked over to his mates for help but they held identical grins and simply offered him two thumbs up making him groan softly. The pups roped him in, happy to finally have their luna come play with them as they began a game of tag.

Itsuki was the first to go and he chased after the squealing and giggling toddlers, grinning slightly as he teased them with a cooed, "I'm gonna get you~"

Soon enough, the grin morphed into a big blinding smile which made way for loud, bubbling giggles as he had the pups chasing him all around the grassy backyard in a fit of chants, "Luna! Luna! Luna! Luna!"

Viktor quirked a fond grin at the beaming smile that was etched across his lover's face. Edmund seat himself right beside him, handing him a can of coke as they watched their mate run across the vast backyard, entertaining all tricks and antics from the screaming pups.


That moment made them realize that maybe there was a chance that they could heal from this. That Itsuki could heal from this. There was a sliver of hope that the two held onto with the utmost determination.

And as Edmund turned to Viktor with glossy eyes and a beaming smile, they whispered in unison,

"We're gonna be alright."

act two fin.

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