Part One, 1873: Preface

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!!!My novels are completely off-limits to any adaptations and if plagerised, you will be reported!!!

August 22nd, 1873, Madison County, Montana

Alice Covington watched as her brother Walter picked flowers from one of their family estate's fields with a loving gaze. Walter was picking them for his sweetheart and Alice couldn't fight the warmth with which she was filled upon witnessing the little things he did for her. Things like getting his first and only love freshly picked wildflowers or taking her presents for no particular reason other than seeing a smile on her face, or how he glanced at her ever frequently as if she were the most sacred painting on which he'd ever laid his eyes were just some of the things Alice admired in her elder brother.

His darling's father had given him his blessing and he was about ready to ask her to marry him. Firstly however, Walter wanted to get her favorite flowers from their fields, then head into town and propose in the place where they met. Alice wasn't blind or belligerent enough to believe all men were as respectable and good-natured as the men in her family, yet she hoped that one day she may meet one just like them nonetheless.

Although, she knew this was most assuredly not in the cards for herself.

As part Cheyenne Indian, Alice felt it unlikely that she may meet anyone who would ever want to spend their life with her, especially with how the world currently operated. So, she was settled in being with her family for the remainder of her days. No matter how badly she craved such intimacy as Walter and his soon to be betrothed, Alice would still have her family.

Always, she reminded herself as she took in the scent of the flowers she held in her hands. Yet, a part of her held onto that last thread of hope, however ridiculous it may have felt.

Regardless of that, there wasn't a single chance she may meet the man of her dreams in Madison County, Montana even if she held a sign for eligible bachelor's and walked down main street. With a sigh, Alice helped Walter along and gathered more flowers, stopping every now and again to take in a long whiff of their relaxing scents. As much of a relief as they typically were to her warring mind, they only seemed to stir sorrow within herself the likes of which she'd never known. She wanted this so much and it was such a simple thing for which to yearn. She couldn't run from the fact that her body screamed for comfort, and in more than just one way. However, life wasn't what people wanted and only appeared to rest for the briefest of moments before plunging down to the abyss known as disquieted strife. Of that Alice was very sure.

"Is that smoke?" Walter called from afar, snapping Alice from her inner mind and toward the waking world.

She whipped her head around in his direction and followed his pointing toward their homestead. Smoke darkened the naturally bright sky sending a cool shiver throughout her entirety. With a heavy heart, Alice began running for their home, but Walter came up from behind her and wrestled her to the ground.

"Get off, Walt! Mama and papa are--"

"No! Stay put!" Walt told her as he rose and hurried her over toward some of the shrubs along the outskirts of their property. "Get down and stay down, Al! I'll be back!"

"Rubbish! I cannot let you--"

"Yes, you can and you will!" He boomed down at her and she cringed back into the shrubs, the minuscule branches scraping against her backside. Walter cupped her face and rubbed away the single tear that had escaped past her long, thick lashes. After a slow, steadying exhale, he stood and grabbed his knife from along his belt, then said in a calmer voice, "Do as I say, Alice. Jeremiah and I will come and get you as soon as we know it is safe. I have a feeling of what this is concerning, sister."

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