Part Two, 1879: Chapter Sixteen

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November 30th, 1879, Jackson, Mississippi

"I have always wanted to visit Baltimore, Miss Alice. I just never got the chance." Jack confessed as he, Pete and Alice walked down the street toward a boarding house.

There would be a lot of goods to unload and load from the train today. Not to mention the fact that the men had to load the extra cargo onto another train, so they would have quite a bit of free time in Jackson. Although it may be going through quite a few changes at the moment, Jackson was not as hospitable toward non-whites and Alice always felt on edge here.

She scanned the streets and eventually met Jack's expectant gaze. "I apologize, Mister Marsters. My mind is elsewhere today. Did you say something?"

"I was asking if perhaps when we arrive in Baltimore, I can take you out on a picnic." He puffed up his chest looking very pleased with himself and Alice glanced over at Pete. She was staring at Jack like he was some incredibly odd mythical creature. Alice tried not to giggle, but she felt herself giving into the emotions Pete made her feel time and time again since the night they kissed and this instance was proving to be quite the challenge. "I mean, it would be very nice to do and you can show me a nice spot for it. You do know Baltimore very well, yes? What do you say, Miss Alice?"

Alice smirked, but not at Jack's request and more at the wide eyed expression of utter dismay written across Pete's face as she peered over at her. Pete swallowed and shifted from side-to-side in place before she darted her eyes back toward Jack. She glanced over his body and grimaced, long and hard, making Alice let out a few soft chuckles. She'd definitely lost this particular battle. She hid them behind a fake cough and cleared her throat, but couldn't do away with her smile.

Finally looking up at Jack, she realized she may have been leading him astray with her behaviour and wiped the smile from her face. "Uh..." She shook her head back to her present conversation. "No, Mister Marsters. And for the last time, it is Miss Covington. If I have to repeat myself again, there will be consequences. You are my subordinate and need to respect my authority within the company."

"But... Well, I just thought it may be nice to get to know one another. On a less professional level." Jack quirked up that charming grin he had and Alice felt her face scrunch up involuntarily.

She shook her head and started toward the boarding house once again. "No, thank you." Out of nowhere, she had no control over her tongue and added, "I already have someone, Mister Marsters."

"No, you don't." Jack balked back. Alice spun back around and stared at him through narrowed eyes, but he didn't flinch. He walked up to her and took off his hat. "I know you do not. I mean, I am always with you. How could you?"

"Correction, Mister Marsters. You have been with me the last four months. Before then, I was alone and before that..." Alice trailed off and met Pete's gaze with a gulp. If she finished this sentence she may be leading Pete on as well. She may be hurting her, or rather, them both. However, after that kiss... That stupid and...perfect kiss. "Before that, I met someone and they are the only person with whom I can see myself. And I cannot be with that person, so I will remain alone... For now." Pete blushed and her lips twitched as her eyes sparkled under the winter sunlight. Alice wrenched her gaze away from her, otherwise she would have gone to her right then and there, and looked at Jack. "Please, do not ask me again. I have repeatedly said no and that will not change. I am sorry, Mister Marsters, but you will find your wife someday. Just not in me, okay?"

Unlike all the previous times, Jack actually looked rather enraged. He appeared to be inwardly fighting with himself to not lash out, but eventually took several deep, even breaths and tightly smiled at her. With a jerky nod, he walked past her and into the boarding house, bumping into her along the way.

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