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The practice ended quite early today. Kiyoko-san, Yacchan, and I hand out water bottles to the members while they're wiping their sweat. As soon as I hand the bottle to Tsukishima, he instantly leads me to the corner of the gym for some privacy. 

"You don't remember me (Y/N)?" For a moment I think I heard his voice quiver. He quickly covers it up with another remark. "Anyway, I didn't think you'd join this club." 

"Hey, you were being rude to me earlier why are you acting so buddy-buddy with me now? Plus why not?" Amidst all the noise in the gym, he looks at me at the eye and sighs.

"Wasn't your dad a renowned volleyball player? And I know for a fact that you came from a powerhouse middle school. I remember you being the libero but why didn't you participate last year?"

Well, my dad is famous but I never told anyone about him. How did he know me? I stopped participating in tournaments for almost a year. People should forget about me. How did we even meet? These thoughts continue racing in my mind almost forgetting my surroundings. 

A tap on my shoulder makes me come back to my senses. "Ah, sorry for spacing out. I quit volleyball last year." A forced smile rests on my face as he looks at me.

"I'd like to ask more but you look like you didn't want to talk about it. Oh, we met when we were kids." The obvious confusion plastered on my face causes him to continue.

"You got lost once in the park. Yamaguchi and I saw you crying on a bench. We then meet occasionally at the same place."

"I see but you didn't have to be rude earlier."

"I apologize for that. I thought you would remember me."

"Haha, I'm sorry for that too. I'll make sure to remember it."

I gather all my stuff and bid farewell to everyone.

- -

I announced my arrival once I opened the door to my home. Taking off my shoes, Ravioli starts purring while rubbing her head on my leg. I pick her up and say a lot of endearing words to her as I go upstairs to my bedroom. 

As soon as I enter my bedroom, I put my bag beside the desk and throw myself on the bed. It's such a tiring day today. I would love to doze off right now but apparently, there's going to be visitors coming.

I wonder if what Tsukishima said is real. He doesn't look like the type to lie straight on my face. He probably says whatever he's thinking. 

My mom calls me downstairs to greet the guests and change my clothes quickly. Once I arrived at the living room, a guy sitting on the couch with dark brown hair that is swept outwards and eyes of the same color wearing his school jersey uniform. 

Oikawa Tooru. Everyone dubbed him the Great King. 

His iconic cocky smile forms on his face. The smile that has always been shown to his fans. He ruffles his hair and leans towards the small coffee table in front of him.

"Oh look who it is. If it isn't (L/N) (Y/N) from Chidoriyama. The libero can mostly predict where the ball goes and has fast reflexes. If only she didn't quit during her last year she could've been the captain." 

I never liked people talking about my past. They all think they can gain something from my father if they befriend me. That's the main reason why I chose to go to Karasuno. It's an easy school to go to and I'm guessing not many people know much about me and my family since no one has approached me with hidden intent yet.

I may have lied to Yachi but it's for the better. She's very indecisive and I want to help her overcome that by joining a club that she won't quit for sure.

"Don't mention the past again, Oikawa Tooru." I put on the most pretentious smile I ever have.

"What's wrong about it (Y/N)-chan?"

"It's better to not mention it, Mr. Tooru."

"Oh wow are we on first-name basis already?" His laugh resonates through the whole room.

"You started it with calling me (Y/N)." The laugh that used to fill the room momentarily stopped when the realization hit him. He doesn't mind it and even pats on the space beside him, motioning me to sit beside him.

"Ew, Oikawa I'm not going to sit beside your sweaty ass. Oh wait- you don't have an ass." I let out a laugh at the remark I just made.

"What's your cat's name? Hm Ra... what is it again? Ratatouille?" Ravi, not knowing she was insulted by Flattykawa, still jumps onto his lap. 

"My cat's name is Ravioli not Ratatouille. Ratatouille wasn't the name of the mouse, it's Remy. Ugh, Stupidkawa."  Is he all 'no think, head empty, volleyball only'? 

A voice with a reprimanding tone shocks the two of us. "Tooru! (Y/N)! Stop bickering with each other. Go your room or in the backyard if you want to argue."

We both shut up to avoid being scolded again.

My life wasn't like this before. I used to be proud of being a libero. A volleyball player. Until everything went downhill two years ago. And yet I somehow mustered my courage to join the Karasuno Volleyball Club. Ironic isn't it?

I sit beside Oikawa with utter disgust on my face.

"You don't have to look at me like that  (Y- I mean (L/N)-chan." He pouts his lips in an attempt to make me feel guilty.

"That won't work on me, Oikawa."

I turn my attention to the TV broadcasting a drama. A woman being the secretary of a renowned lawyer. Still focusing on the show, Oikawa shot up a question.

"Why don't you like people knowing your past?"

I look at him, meeting his curious gaze, "That's a story to tell for another time."

- -                              - - 

[author's note]

hello :)

 i thought i published this chapter already but it turns out i didnt.

sorry for the long wait


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