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The smell of freshly cooked food surrounds the whole house as my mom and Mrs. Oikawa call us to eat.

As soon as the six of us sat down, stories from both our parents are being told while eating. Making the house very lively.

"Which school do you go to (Y/N)?" Mrs. Oikawa looks at me from across the table.

Before I can even open my mouth, Oikawa decided to answer for me. "She goes to Karasuno, Mom. Can't you believe it? She could've gone to Aoba Johsai or any school other than Karasuno."

"Gee, thanks for answering on my behalf." I shot him a glare and then look at his mom with a smile, "Yeah, like what he said, I go to Karasuno."

"Didn't you know Karasuno is a fallen school when it comes to volleyball? They can't even go to the nationals with that kind of team." His remark just makes my blood boil. I kick his leg since he's in front of me.

"Hey, stop shitting on my school–"

"(Y/N), language, dear. We're eating." A scary smile forms on my mom's face with some veins popping out.

"S-sorry. A-anyway, you should speak for yourself. You haven't even gone to the nationals at least once!"

Ha! You should see the look on his face when I mentioned it. It feels so satisfying having the last say in an argument. My lips form into a smirk while I raise my eyebrow at him.

Before Oikawa could even say a word, my dad's voice booms forcing us to stop and look at him.

"We're eating. Where's your manners?" The tone I've been dreading to hear rings in my ears.

Oikawa sticks his tongue out, knowing that my dad's going to scold me once we're alone.

- - 

After eating dinner, I help my mom clean the dishes alongside Mrs. Oikawa. 

"You grew up so fast, (Y/N)! It's as if yesterday was when your dad was showing us pictures of you." Mrs. Oikawa looks at me like she's reminiscing the past. 

"I've always thought that you and my son would look good together."

Me and Oikawa? That's a load of bullsh*t. 

Oikawa shouts across the room, "MOM! I have a girlfriend already!"

"Oh my! I didn't know that, Tooru. You should've told us earlier." Mrs. Oikawa looks back and forth at me and Oikawa. "I'm just saying, I still think that the two of you look good together."

I make eye contact with Mrs. Oikawa pleading she would stop this already.

"Uhm... I don't think Oikawa's comfortable with this topic and neither do I."

A soft laugh escapes my mother's mouth as she tries to talk to Mrs. Oikawa. "They're right, just look at their awkward faces! That should give us a hint that they're not meant to be."

"Thank you, Mrs. (L/N)! See, Mom they get it."

"Alright, alright. I'll stop. At least you're happy, son." Mrs. Oikawa smiles softly at Oikawa clearly showing defeat about the topic.

The air is starting to feel suffocating that I had to leave the kitchen. I pick up Ravi and went straight to my room. 

As soon as I lay on my bed, a person came knocking on my door.

"Come in." I say while I letting out an exhaustive sigh.

The door swings open as I lunge myself up into a sitting position and look at the person who came in my room.

"Ah (Y/N), I hope you didn't find the situation earlier awkward."

"It's (L/N) for you. And I should be the one saying that. Why are you here anyway? Whose mom forced you?"

"My mom did." He touches the back of his neck while looking down and then makes eye contact with me.

"Sit down already. Looking up to you hurts my neck."

"I have something to tell you (L/N)."

"What is it?"

I lean forward clearly showing my curiosity.

"My girlfriend dumped me."

- -                              - - 

[author's note]

hello! sorry for the long wait but i have changed the description of (y/n).

you're now just a 15 year old who goes to karasuno. pronounce are they/them so it is more general per se.

that is all!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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