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I'm now standing in front of Karasuno. Although some students are late as me, the big feeling of being in my dream school is finally fulfilled!

I run towards the bulletin board to see which class I'm in. Bumping onto a few other students here and there. Once I reach the front, I felt an intimidating presence beside me. I look at my right to see a blond guy with glasses slouching while looking at the board. 

Beside him is a shorter guy with darkish green hair. "Look Tsukki! We're classmates again!"

"Ugh, shut up Yamaguchi." 

The blond guy who I think is called Tsukki, looks at me and snickers, "What are you looking at? You're fairly short for a high school student." He then turns is back on me, leaving his friend behind.

"Tsukki! Wait for me!" His friend looks at me and apologizes on his behalf.

I'm still baffled by the fact that he called me short. His personality might just being tall. I hope I don't see him anytime soon. Anyway, I finally know which class I'm at. Class 5. 

Time passed by rather quickly and I already made a new friend. Her name is Yachi Hitoka.  

"Yacchan! Let's eat lunch shall we?" I ask her.

"Sure! Let me just grab my bento. Where should we eat?" Ugh, she's so cute! Her high-pitched voice matches with her height. It feels like I'm talking to a younger sister.

"Can we eat at the rooftop? I really want to feel the wind breeze."

We move towards the schools rooftop and as soon as I open the door there are some students who are also eating lunch there. We sit on a bench as we look at the view.

"Yacchan, what club will you join?" 

"Uhm... I don't really know. I'm quite indecisive when it comes to this. How about you?" She awkwardly answers. Her fingers start fidgeting and she looks nervous.

"Oh? Well I'm planning to apply for assistant manager in the volleyball club. If no one has that position yet. You should join me! It would be fun! Volleyball might be your passion after all. 

"A-are you sure?" Her voice quivers with a hint of scepticality in it.

"Yup. Let's go to the gym during after school." 

She nods in agreement while we eat our bentos. I can finally reach my dream. Maybe all that time watching and practicing volleyball with my dad has finally paid off for being a manager. I've familiarized myself with the rules and strategies for us to win. 

I look at the clear sky while eating my lunch. 

"(Y/N)?" Yacchan looks at me with curiosity in her eyes, "How are you sure that you want to join the volleyball club and why Karasuno? There's so many other schools here in Miyagi." 

"Well, Yacchan, it's hard to explain but it's been my dream you see. There's passion in my heart that I want to be with the team. If you didn't like the club it's alright if you leave but you should always try your best in doing whatever you love. Seeing the players work hard to be in the nationals is enough for me to be happy." 

Packing up my bento in my lunch box, I look at her, "Why Karasuno you ask? It's obviously because of the Little Giant. The one in the TV before. He was number 10."

"I think I understand what you mean (Y/N)." She smiles at me ear to ear. 

The bell rings—signaling the end of lunch. We hurriedly exit the rooftop to avoid going in the classroom late. While walking down the hallway, Yacchan cowers behind me. I look at the direction where her eyes are and in front of us stood the blond student wearing headphones. 

"Oh my, it's you again shorty." He snickers while showing a condescending smile.

Baffled with another remark, I genuinely ask. "Do I know you? Did I somehow offend you before?" 

"I'm assuming you hit your head too hard to cause you to forget." His eyebrows furrow with confusion. Yacchan tugs the back of my vest—gesturing that we should get back to class.

The blond guy walks towards us, stopping right beside me. "It's me Tsukishima Kei. Let's talk later." He then walks past us with his friend tailing behind him. 

Did something happen during my childhood? My memory isn't that hazy but why can't I remember that particular memory. Did I somehow get a concussion that causes amnesia? Looooll what a wild imagination. He must've mistaken me for someone else.

- - 

Once Yachi and I finished filling up our club application form, we quickly ran towards the gym. We were instantly greeted with shouts, squiky shoes running around the court, and balls continuously hitting the floor.

"Hello, do you have any business with us?" A student with shoulder length hair, grey eyes, and glasses.

I was instantly in awestruck by her beauty.

I manage to say the words in my mind. "W-we're here to submit our club application form as assistant managers!" Yachi and I reach out our application forms while bowing. 

"Oh my," she grabs our forms and we stand back straight, "Thank goodness! I don't have to look for a manager once us third years graduate. I'm Kiyoko Shimizu, the current manager of the Karasuno Volleyball Boys Team." 

"So which one of you is (L/N) and Yachi?" Kiyoko-san asks after calling the rest of the members to meet us.

Yacchan introduces herself first while fidgeting her fingers."I-I'm Yachi Hitoka from Class 5! Nice to meet you all! Please take care of us." 

"Hello! I'm (L/N) (Y/N) from Class 5. Please take good care of us." 

A loud synchronized greeting coming from all the members. "Welcome to Karasuno Volleyball Club!" They individually greet themselves to us. Each member having their own distinct characteristics.

They resumed the practice once everyone was done introducing themselves. Kiyoko-san taught us all the ropes on how to handle the members to helping her bring the materials needed.

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